Automotive Photography Competition 65

  • Thread starter LongbowX

Week 65.


Week 64 Results!

Congratulations to SPhilli911! Who is currently on a 3-win streak!

Thank you to everyone who voted. And thanks to everyone who entered as well!

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Winner: Week 62 - Theme chosen by SPhilli911


THEME: Their words: "Your own car

Take a shot of your passion, whether it's a beater or sports car or whatever. If you don't have a car, then borrow a buddies or your mom's mini van. :P"

The rules:

-Each competition's voting will end on a Friday at 5pm GMT. This gives chance for people to engage in religious activities, rest and time with family on Sunday.

-Entries must be in by 5pm on a Wednesday, no exceptions. If your work is not submitted by then then you must wait until the next week.

-All entered photographs
must have been taken between January 2008 and the present day.

-Enteries must be posted as a thumbnail without extending 400pixels on the longest side. Full sized images may be no larger than 900pixels on their longest side.

-You must only submit your own photographs, do not post anyone else's whether from the internet or if someone you know took the photograph.

-Any watermark you place on your image must be in any corner of the image as long as it does not obstruct the subject of the image.

-Only one photograph per person. You can change your entry only once.

-You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another entrant.

-The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.

-Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-No HDRI shots allowed

Entries must be in on the Wednesday at 10pm GMT.
The poll will be up at 10:30pm GMT on this day and will end on a Friday at 10:30pm GMT.

Thank you for taking time to read this and I will hope to get a good number of entries on the 3rd of February.


Ford SportKa
B6255, North Yorkshire, UK
Taken 30/01/2010
Nikon D40, 18-55mm lens

As my Mac's graphic card conveniently died as soon as I got home with about 200 photos to edit, I'm currently Photoshop-less. So that's the best you'll get out of me I suspect.
Thanks for the votes!

This is a temporary shot. I've been meaning to get out and take some snow shots this week.

Audi A4 1.8T Quattro
Hartford Connecticut
Fall 2009
Nikon D90​

Volvo 940 GLE
Odiham, Hampshire
Nikon D40​

In case you were wondering, they're the not entirely healthy ones (count the ears, for example) that needed taking from the field to the main farmyard.

Ford Mondeo 2.0 TDCI Titanium X
Coningsby, Lincolnshire, UK
Canon EOS 350D

It's not very good I know, but I don't currently have time to go and take a new photo of my parents car and I'd want it to be somewhere more interesting than the driveway.​

My work ute. Mitsubishi Triton
N95 Nokia. Oct '09

BTW. We are both on the move.​

Hmmm after looking at the photos, maybe I shouldn't enter until I get a decent camera.
A little difficult to use an SLR, whist driving in traffic though.:lol:
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The Iced Vovo was sadly at the garage for the majority of the week. But its all good now! New air filter, and some new HTLs mean its singing at full song again!

Too late for a shoot though, so this is good friend and GTP member Mete001's pride and joy instead.

The Balmoral Bandit

Where the Fattys dwell



Gawain the MINI Cooper

Oakland University

25 October 2009

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I have been feeling very "meh" about my entries lately. >_<

Final Entry

Infiniti G35 Coupe
May 2009
Mosport Infield (was in a photo mood)
Canon Rebel XTi

I will close this a few hours later, as usual I may just change the times to be later as I can't close them at the time they are now.
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I wanted to enter but have managed to lose all my Shelby pictures somewhere on my HD :lol:

That sucks. :ouch: I hope you'll find them soon.

Its in the family, its your car. Its awesome. :D

Heh, I guess so. It's been good.

However, in the coming months I may have something better to photograph. But that's a secret, and I'm not saying anything more. (Speedster, don't tell.)

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You mean the G35 or the new toy? I only drive the Iced Vovo, because we only have the one car, but I have been given it, and dad will buy a new one soon. Suprisingly nice to drive actually.
You mean the G35 or the new toy? I only drive the Iced Vovo, because we only have the one car, but I have been given it, and dad will buy a new one soon. Suprisingly nice to drive actually.

The new toy hasn't arrived yet (in fact, it hasn't even been decided :lol:), but I can drive the G35 or the Minivan (which is not the new toy). I like Volvos, we're thinking of replacing the Minivan with a XC60.
RICH. But do it. They look way better IRL than in the pictures I reckon. I think dad is going to get an XC70 or a Passat when I high tail it with the 850.
RICH. But do it. They look way better IRL than in the pictures I reckon. I think dad is going to get an XC70 or a Passat when I high tail it with the 850.

Oh they do. We test drove one a little while ago. We also looked at the XC70 (drove it too), but I like the XC60 more. Good luck with the 850, though you won't need it - those Volvo's are bulletproof.
Ah ha. Not so when 260***kms have been under the wheels. :lol:

Well, I suppose not. But there are some Volvo's over million, so who knows.

Edit - This was the most activity the Photography section has had for a while. :lol:
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