Automotive Photography Competition 71

  • Thread starter LongbowX

Week 71.


Week 70 Results!

Congratulations to Speedster502!

Thank you to everyone who voted. And thanks to everyone who entered as well!

-Joey D---0

Winner: Week 69 - Theme chosen by Syntax Error


THEME: Their words: "Dark.

The shot doesn’t have to be dark, it just has to convey a sense of darkness. For example, the shot could be taken at night or there are strong shadows across the car, or the car is black or the car could just look a little evil…. Well you get the picture, it is basically however you want to interpret it…. Go wild!"


The rules:

-Each competition's voting will end on a Friday at 5pm GMT. This gives chance for people to engage in religious activities, rest and time with family on Sunday.

-Entries must of be of "actual sized" vehicles, as opposed to sub scale models. Non-running concept cars are allowed, however.

-Entries must be in by 5pm on a Wednesday, no exceptions. If your work is not submitted by then then you must wait until the next week.

-All entered photographs
must have been taken between January 2008 and the present day.

-Enteries must be posted as a thumbnail without extending 400pixels on the longest side. Full sized images may be no larger than 900pixels on their longest side.

-You must only submit your own photographs, do not post anyone else's whether from the internet or if someone you know took the photograph.

-Any watermark you place on your image must be in any corner of the image as long as it does not obstruct the subject of the image.

-Only one photograph per person. You can change your entry only once.

-You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another entrant.

-The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.

-Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Also, Unsharp Mask may be used.
Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.

-No HDRI shots allowed

Entries must be in on the Wednesday at 10pm GMT.
The poll will be up at 10:30pm GMT on this day and will end on a Friday at 10:30pm GMT.

Thank you for taking time to read this and I will hope to get a good number of entries on the 17th of March.

Sweetshop, I think you used that one already.

However the front view that everyone said they liked better (on your gallery) hasn't been used yet. :P
Sweetshop, I think you used that one already

I have indeed but it isn't against the rules to use it again. Plus I feel this one suits the theme better than the frontal. If I can't use it however I have a few other photos to choose between.
It probably should be. It's not really fair if somebody has a really great shot that could keep winning over and over.

Great theme. I spotted an old 911 with a 935 conversion and took a few shots today. Have to edit them and see if anything worthy results.
Wow! I could have sworn that rule was in place.

Terribly sorry.:guilty:

Haha it's alright. I had to check through them to see it was ok.

It probably should be. It's not really fair if somebody has a really great shot that could keep winning over and over.

Great theme. I spotted an old 911 with a 935 conversion and took a few shots today. Have to edit them and see if anything worthy results.

I think this is one of those moments where we encounter something that isn't explicitly in the rules, but goes against the spirit of the competition. Sort of a unwritten rule. But, odder things have happened, I mean, we had a model car competing against full-size machines....

You have to be careful when writing the rules to not make loopholes: although I am not the one who wrote most of rules, I do take responsibility for them.

I will add this to the rules though, as I agree I don't think you should be allowed to enter something more than once. Next week this will come into effect, this weeks stays how it is.
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If its of any consolation, I'd still like to be able to enter shots that have been seen in my gallery but not yet entered, as while it is boring not to get new things, sometimes its all I have.
If its of any consolation, I'd still like to be able to enter shots that have been seen in my gallery but not yet entered, as while it is boring not to get new things, sometimes its all I have.

Haha, it's not. :P (I'm not even sure how that's supposed to console me. :lol:) The rules will be that you can't enter the same photo twice (or...more than twice) in the competition, not simply that we've seen it before. So you have nothing to fear.
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Probably the only one of the set that fits the editing rules.

Honda S2000
Lane Cove, NSW, Australia
7 February 2010
Canon 1D MKII​
Mm, didn't really have anything above average for this, but even still an entry is an entry right?

Dodge Viper,
NEC, Birmingham, United Kingdom,
Canon EOS 350D
The last three shots are all impressive, however NISM0_SKYLINE I think you stole the show,that is a wicked shot 👍
I agree, NISM0 that is sweeeet.

Anyway, I will close this up tomorrow around the time it would usually close. I'm not up to closing it today, really. With a few hours sleep, assignments and exams all combined lately, I just don't have the energy to. So, my apologies.

Shelby GT350
CIAS 2010
February 2010
Canon 400D
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