Avatar Request

Hey everyone.

I am looking for someone to make me an avatar. In the grand tradition that Jordan started, and others, such as Rice Rocketeer copied (thats not a bad thing), I am looking for an avatar of the same car from different angles, all of which are cool and make it look fast.

I want it to be of a C5R. Maybe a side really fast one, a close up of it, a head on...I'll leave the creative bit to you.

I would appreciate it! Nothing that says "Stealth Viper" is needed. Thanks.

Originally posted by BMW///M3
I got the shot your lookin for right here:

Aww man, that'd be sweet! It could start out far away, then come up and over the hood and roof. It'd look like the camera was on a swing arm that just gets out of the way as the car flies by. Or the view from a bug that just about gets splatted on the winshield (:

He is talking about the link in his signiture. Look at his signiture. You see the red link? Click on it. Then go to the page he said to go to. There you should find some C5R pics. Get it now? :D
Originally posted by ViperConcept
He is talking about the link in his signiture. Look at his signiture. You see the red link? Click on it. Then go to the page he said to go to. There you should find some C5R pics. Get it now? :D

At least someone knows what I was talking about ;)

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