B Roads

  • Thread starter AarkonD
One thing i think would be a great addition to GT series is some B roads to cruise on. It is called "the real DRIVING simulator" after all but all we do is race.

The B roads can be in various parts of the game like between races. like say you got 3 races in a Aspec event once you finish the first race you can choose to drive to the next track.

Another area that could use this is special events specifically the Italian grand tour one instead of different blips on the long road you actually drive the road between the events. That even even has you pulling up in the various location as cut scenes already just pop in the B road bits in between.

Photo mode could also have this instead of backing out to go to another location you drive to it.

You could have slightly altered controls for B roads that allow you to look right or left while driving to look at the scenery and add in the ability to stop and take pictures of your car on the side of the road at any point along the roads.

Since the roads do not loop like a track does there would have to be various lengths of them and you have settings for the length of the B roads for various events or modes.

Between races you would have a 5 or 10 minute long road

Special Events you could have 10 or 15 min long roads

Photo Mode you can have anywhere from 5 to 30 min long roads between locations.

Also have a B road Mode where you pick whatever broad you wish to go on and just go for a nice relaxing cruise (in the same feeling as thoes zen games like flower and such ).

There could be options for traffic or not and various levels of traffic from sparse ( one car every 3 min or so ) to heavy ( a car every 45 seconds )

Weather and time options should also be included rain, snow, clear, overcast, foggy, night, day, dusk and dawn. Have them as check boxes so you can have a combination of them. IE Id like a 30 min B road @ dawn with fog how cool would that be.

I think this would be a nice change of pace when you just wanna be relaxed and take a smooth cruise rather than a race. This would also make the "real driving simulator" more true in its claims.
Between races you would have a 5 or 10 minute long road

Special Events you could have 10 or 15 min long roads

Photo Mode you can have anywhere from 5 to 30 min long roads between locations.

Also have a B road Mode where you pick whatever broad you wish to go on and just go for a nice relaxing cruise (in the same feeling as thoes zen games like flower and such ).

I think this would be a nice change of pace when you just wanna be relaxed and take a smooth cruise rather than a race. This would also make the "real driving simulator" more true in its claims.

This is one of those things that sounds nice on paper but won't be so great in practice. Three people would love this feature while the rest would have no interest at all or would tire of it very, very quickly. We already hate the thirty seconds it takes to simply get a car while we endure that driving-three-inches-from-the-shadow sequence every bloody time we get a car. Nobody will have the patience to sit through a lengthy car ride to the next event and basically nobody will want to.

Myself, I wouldn't casually cruise down the road, but would go as fast as possible. I can't help it. The only reason I don't fly like a maniac in real life is that it's illegal and I don't want any new speeding tickets.

The other big problem is that a ten, twenty, or thirty-minute drive means a ten, twenty, or thirty-mile road for each of your B-road drives, and that's an awful lot of real estate they would have to design and render that nobody would be interested in cruising through in the first place. That's a lot of labor and money spent making something nobody wants, and a lot of disc space. Most race tracks are only two, three, or perhaps four miles with but few exceptions, so a handful of these B-roads would equal basically all the tracks of the game put together. Further, DP had no interest in upgrading the old courses like Trial Mountain to look like they even belong on PS3, so I don't see them investing the time, effort, money, and disc space for something like this.
Hey it that's not that bad of an idea, I mean if you didn't want to do that they could just have a "Skip to next race" option for those that don't want to do it.

The OP is right this is the "Real driving sim" but should be called the "Real Racing sim" Aside from the practice you can't really just take a car out for a "drive".
I'd love for the course generator to be able to pull in real map data from my locality using Google Maps or some other similar featured source like NASA's World Wind and then make a drivable landscape from the data even if the landscape is crude, I could care less about the looks of it.
@ Ice man .. you know how manny people dont use the photo mode? or dont bother with endurance races? or museum cards?

As for "something nobody wants" i would like it as im sure others would too .. more so than some silly museum cards anyway so try and consider your not the ONLY GT player out there and different people have different interests.

Also i never said you had to drive between races just that it would be a neat option. Nor did i say you had to piddle along at 5 mph in fact after i posted the idea i had thought you could do races on them as well like the concourse de'elegance @ pebble beach. that could be a seasonal event for all award winning cars SEMA and Pebble Beach ones.

I would prefer them to be modeled after actual roads tho Route 66 and the blue ridge parkway in America for example. Most major car shows have some sort of route or course event at them so i dont see why this would be a preposterous idea.

I seriously doubt that having these roads would be all that big a impact on the resources ( ditching some of the 40 skylines might help if it does tho :P ) but i dont think it would with games being made on blue ray disks.
Every sand box game I have played has cars in it (well the fun ones anyways). And I have always wished they used GT5 physics engine.

GT5 sucks. Its a very subpar, not fun, and slooow game. However, its physics and attention to graphical / virtual world detail are unrivaled on the console so I and many other disillusioned GT fans continue to palate it.

I mean how many times have you been driving along with an Uzi or Intratec-9 hanging out the window mowing down pedestrians in Saints Row or GTA and thought to yourself "damn, I wish this ride handled more realistically."

I have wanted a sandbox mode in GT since GT1.
I like the idea. Except they should be tracks in their own right, and be point to point. Here, in my part of Sydney, we have no fun roads. Always with the straight, round-about/traffic lights, straight, round-about/traffic lights :grumpy:.
Well I was thinking something like Test Drive U. I have never played it but after hearing people describe it, it sounds like a sandbox with cool cars. I also saw a DIRT advert with Ken Blocks gymkhana courses, even that would be cooler than just tracks, and a museum.

Hey it would be really cool if you could drive around and trash the GT5 museum...
Instead of this idea that would probably take months to code and model they could just have a point to point option in the Track Creator so you can create roads to just drive on.

People have talked about the point to point mode before and some think it might be included in a future update as in the manual (apparently i haven't checked for myself) in the Track Creator section it tells you that you can choose between Point to Point course and an actual track
I mean how many times have you been driving along with an Uzi or Intratec-9 hanging out the window mowing down pedestrians in Saints Row or GTA and thought to yourself "damn, I wish this ride handled more realistically."

I couldn't agree more. GT4 was a brilliant game that was ruined for me by the horrible driving physics. I'd have preferred them not to have cars in at all. I only got about a third of the way through the game because of that.
If it'd had GT5 physics it would have been the best game ever.
If you want to cruise get test drive unlimited 2.

You know, I'm not really sure whether I like the OP's idea or not, but a comment like is (as usual) completely useless and absolutley devoid of imagination or originality. It gets pretty tiresome to see idiotic comments like this one in every single thread that wants to add something new or take out something undesired from the game. If you don't like this idea, fine, tell us why, or tell us what you think would be a better idea. Don't just come in here with your useless "If you don't think GT5 is the most amazing game EVER, and that nothing about it should be changed EVER, then maybe you should go play (Mario Kart, GTA, NFS, TDU, etc., etc.)" comments. Try to actually add something productive to the conversation.
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I can think of so many roads I want to drive in GT5, but obviously they'll never get included because most of them are rural British roads... Some thing like Fujimi Kaido from Forza 3, though, goodness me, I would love that. I mean seriously, I'd probably never stop playing. The course creator is great and everything but Fujimi Kaido's scenery was much more awesome than the sparseness of what the course creator can do. It's also much more narrow, steeper and such.

In fact I'm surprised a Japanese 'driving' simulator doesn't have any touge or point-to-point courses at all.
Cars were created to take us from point A to point B. That's their utilitarian aspect. As soon as there were cars, men raced against each other. That was the fun part.

I like cruising. It's relaxing, specially in a good road. But that can be done in real life. In the game? I want to race.

If you like cruising, TDU2 and NFSHP spring to mind. But even then, what you do in those games is race. That's the ultimate goal.

IMO, such idea isn't a good one.
