B spec BOB pace control

  • Thread starter Mike_rmhh
Am I the only one who thinks it would be better to have a 1 to 10 pace setting for Bob, 1 being slow and 10 an all out pace risking losing control and very heavy tyre wear. The present system does not allow you to leave a race as Bob will slow down as soon as you leave the PS3 unless you are using a much faster car than the opposition.
In GT4 it used to be 1,2,3,4,PUSH,5 but now it's "lose, hold pace, speed up, pass"

It's highly ineffective, because it requires constant instruction. But to keep my BoBs happy, I only tell them to Mush, and give them filet mignon.

Not really. The B-spec system needs major tweaks. Keep the strength and mental energy bars but go back to the GT4 b-spekkery.
Bobs variably is new in GT5 if you have the Right BOB he will adjust his own performance and won't lose position. have a crap bob and hes over taken to easy but then fights to get his position back.
This is why picking the wrong driver can hinder your racing.

GT4 bob WAS fixed no Changes in skill or driving. He was not flexible at all. just drove on the preset
ZERO use for remote racing Or seasonals in GT5 in fact worse for being left alone as in GT5 they know not to push it when in first as they will auto slow down when no car is in front.

If you watch the Pace bar It will increase BY ITSELF as the DRIVER reacts to the other cars to increase his pace when Passing or defending. You Don't have to tell bob to do ether.
His stats do control this Automatic reaction but there is a trade off as the faster he reacts to other cars the higher the percentage in possible mistakes.
My best one is capable of total annihilation if left alone and he's teaching his team of BoBS how to drive.

On second thought, it's best not to change anything. Once you get them to level 25 they're on their own until an enduro comes along.
I do believe it would help if the pace were quantifiable. For instance: Ok, I just left for a minute and I don't know what pace BOB is at. Oh, Ok, he's at a 4 while all the other drivers are at a 6. He needs to Pace up. That said, you will notice if you pace up to BOB's max pace he'll start to spin out if you've told him to go beyond his or the car's ability to corner. It's very relative but I usually tell him to pace up to the point he's passing, pushing the tires to the limit, but not spinning out on the curves. If he still needs help, I'll tell him here and then to Overtake.
Agree with Mike and Marcus you could use the 5 speed setting from GT4 and the mental and physical strength from GT5. Eg asking a cool bob to drive at speed 5 will make him mentaly drained and make mistakes, while asking a hot headed bob to drive at speed 1 will make him get frustrated or bored.

I think it would add more tactics therefor more interest to b spec races especially endurance events.