B-Spec Drivers with You're name?

  • Thread starter Capt_Hick
Have any of you guys have/seen a B-spec driver with your name or close to it?

My last name is Hickman, and I have a B-spec driver O.Hickman, although my name begins with a R not O.
I not only managed to get my name, S. Anderson, i also managed to get my son's as well L. Anderson :)
Guess I got lucky..I have a bob which is exactly my name.
even managed to have a "M.Hobbs" which works well with my handle :dopey:

(my first post after months of reading..many thanks to the contributors of this forum where i found good stories, helpful tips and beautiful PMC entries 👍)
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I've yet to see my surname appear, so chances are I won't get such instance for a good while.
I didn't find my own name, but my drivers got cool names :P

One of them is named ''S.Gay'', the other one ''Cock'', and 3 other I don't remember =P They are funny too.
I saw one with my last name but skipped over it in my haste of trying to find a good name. Oh well, I would have lost it a couple days later when my PS3 died.
I didn't find my own name, but my drivers got cool names :P

One of them is named ''S.Gay'', the other one ''Cock'', and 3 other I don't remember =P They are funny too.

Yeah I have Mr. Bond and Colin Powell and they are awesome!
I have an S. Daniel on my gf's accnt, I like it even though it's backwards compared to the other drivers initials.