This happened to me once but it was reverse situation. I was doing 9 hour endurance using the veyron. 2 hours left I checked and was 4 laps ahead. My veyron looked liked it been to hell and back, it's front was smashed in and was dragging on the ground. But didn't seem to affect anything, Bob is really bad smashing into walls. I came back an hour later...I was 7 laps behind!!! I took over and started to pace the race...spin out several times but I manage to catch up and took the lead with minutes left. It was very exciting last hour. Anyway, I was about 1/4 the track length ahead and I thought...I made it. All of a sudden I see some car popped above me....I thought what the hell, I didn't see any car near me or passed me up. How did someone finished first before me. But when it display the results...I came in first, but just as the race said one of the other computer racers came in first. Weird ****. I thought I was cheated out of 9 hours but it didn't happen after all.