B-spec help needed.


guys i need your help;

i am stuck on B-spec mode.

i'm currently lvl 9 ( 2 drivers ; lvl 5 and one lvl 6) and can't get further.
these are the events i've still left to do:

japanese 80's challenge
vitz race
pick up championship
supercar nostalgia championship.

but i can't win these events.
so wich cars can i use best for these events or do i have to do something else.

japanese 80's challenge: Toyota Minolta
vitz race: Just tune up any Vitz as high as possible
pick up championship: This one was hard for Bob, even with an extremly overpowered vehicle. Just tune up the Hemie or something similair
supercar nostalgia championship.: Can't remember what I let Bob drive for this one, could've been the Lambo LP400
well seen as though your on Lv28 in A-spec have you done the 'like the wind' challange?
if so use that that for the japanese one... and for the other have a rumedge around your garage! most the time you can just use ones that you used for the A-spec but fully kit them up!

im stuck on lv21 and i really cba to do it..all i want to do is to get to lv24 in B-spec!
Use only 1 Bob and up his "class" do the races you can do until he improves alotthen come back to the ones he struggled with, you will find he wins them easier, so just up your B spec level and Bobs class compete in new races and old ones until he is good enough for those races.
Concentrate on getting 1 driver leveled up. Hot headed best.
Redo races done till you have enough cash to buy best car for event.
Tip...Keep hot headed driver cool(3/4 towards hot). Resist keep pushing him, he will wake up with about 2 laps to go in most events.

Truck oval race the hardest. Come back to that when LVL 14+.

EDIT; Doh..didnt read last post....do what he said^^
For the truck race the Toyota Xrunner is killer. My guy destroyed them with a fully modded xrunner.
Just use the Prototype X1 incase he messes up(he will) so that you can easily win races :)

Please stay on topic. He asked what to use to win the Vitz, Pickup, and classics races. No race in there allows the X2010.
for the truck race i used a f150 and tunned it to about 650hp it walks away from everyone on the oval and you just have to baby sit him at laguna.

I used the ford in aspec just fine, but my bob couldnt control it at all...at laguna he was roosting off the track almost everywhere haha