b spec help

Im going to try to do b spec, but its my first time ever doing this. Any helpfull tips or tricks i could use? Because i need money for this car i want and i want a x2010, o.k thank you
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if you're just starting with B-Spec, you have quite a way to go to get a free X2010 at lvl 35. You'll need to do all the races just like in A-Spec, except you'll need to coach the driver to win. I'd suggest having light-mid hot minded drivers to begin with (for me anyways). If you need a specific car to dominate a race that you don't have, try asking for a friend to "share" it online for you to use.
Add lots of friends, that way you can borrow their cars and you can take turns remote racing each other's drivers.
there's lots of XP to be earned when you find some people that use your bob's and when you return the favor.
when you get that X2010 at level 35, you can also start grinding some dreamcar championships, always good for about 850.000cr per go if you want some money fast ;)