First of all, the Taurus Racing Mod in GT2... I liked the racing mod idea for a moment. But after a while, I thought it was pretty dumb with the Racing Mod for the Ford Taurus. I think the Taurus SHO and Taurus NASCAR Race Car could have been sold as two different cars instead of an available racing modification. It is just a sickening deal for me- take a generic economy car, give it a tubeframe body, and a V8. I was even saddened that I couldn't bump up the horsepower to anything remote to NASCAR's stock cars. It was a cute mod for a while, but after a while and after thinking about it, why modify a generic FWD Taurus SHO (even with its power) to make it look like a stock car? I probably would have liked to see sort of a touring car approach to it than a NASCAR stock car mod to it. I'd modify a Taurus SHO to kind of be like the racing mod for the Ford Mondeo in GT2. But take a Taurus to make it look like a "stock" car? I hate the idea. That's like saying you can take a Taurus or a Charger and make it into a NASCAR car and that these are completely based on their street car variants. If they were really the "race on Sunday, sell on Monday" types, then all the aforementioned cars would be insanely powerful with RWD (except the already RWD Charger). I'd rather not modify any of the aforementioned automobiles into NASCAR machines, even for the "fanboys" who want their Monte Carlo SS's to be like the ones NASCAR races. I just get sick of this Racing Modification deal with the Tauruses, yet many of you seemed to love seeing this. I'd rather race the Renault Espace F1 than a Race Modified Taurus with the likeness of a stock car. At least the two (Renault Espace and Renault Espace F1) are related and actually available for the street. ONLY have "stock" cars as separate models to purchase and not as some regular car that can be Race Modified to some tubeframe tank.
Even though I don't care much about "stock" car racing, there is still a spot for me to at least think about this. The "consider everyone" approach is that there is some use for a racing series that even we don't like. Some compromise can be worked. I just don't want a handful of ovals or an increased emphasis on ovals. I'm a road racing guy. I don't want hardcore Americana in a game feauturing a world of automobiles and a world of tracks. That's my one big fallacy. I'm not pro-patriotic about ANY aspect of the GT series. I sure want my Corvettes and Camaros, but I still want a world challenge whenever I'm ready to take on bigger and better things. This is why I like the aspect of not too many existing race series. I can still be committed to a certain nationality of series and races, just that I don't have to remain within my respective region. The best formula would be a Champ Car formula where you have your oval races, but still challenged on road courses. Stock cars weren't purely designed for road courses. Doesn't mean that they CAN'T road race, now, can they?
The best-case compromise would be a series with oval racing and some road racing challenge. That's the way I stand and having these cars is going to be pointless without a mixed oval/road course challenge.