Back Workouts! What's your routine?

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
Alright, here we are again with yet another body part. This time it's the back. From traps, to lats, to lower back, let's hit it all. Here was my workout today and please share your experience so we can benefit from each other. Again, weight in lbs x # of reps.

Romanian Dead Lift (also called Partial Dead Lift)
Bar x 20
95 x 20
135 x 20
185 x 20
225 x 20
315 x 15
405 x 15
495 x 5

Seated Hammer Close Grip Machine Pulldowns
140 x 15
180 x 15
270 x 12
320 x 8
230 x 12

Bent over One Arm Dumbbell Rows
120 x 10
120 x 10
120 x 10

*Standing Dumbbell Shrugs
120 (per arm) x 40 (every 4th rep is a 2-3 sec hold)
120 (per arm) x 40 (every 4th rep is a 2-3 sec hold)
120 (per arm) x 40 (every 4th rep is a 2-3 sec hold)
120 (per arm) x 20

*Note: I'm running out of weight as the highest dumbbells we go to is the 120's so I am doing extreme reps. If this is your first time, find a comfortable weight and hold every third rep for a total set of 30 reps. 1-2-Hold, 2-2-hold, 3-2-hold, 4-2-hold, 5-2-hold, ect....

A nap would be nice right about now.
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Well, coincidentally, I did my back workout today as well.

My workout is geared towards slimming the fat off, and training/building the muscle. Hence I do less sets, at a faster pace, lots of stretching, and cardio every day.

20 minutes on the Treadmill, with the incline at 10-11 degrees, and the speed today was 3.6 mph.

First exercise: Bent Over Barbell Rows
95lbs x 25 reps
135lbs x 13 reps (Goal = 15)
185lbs x 2 reps (Goal = 10)

Second exercise: Lat Pull Downs
140 lbs x 15 reps
165 lbs x 7 reps (Goal = 10)
170 lbs x 6 reps (Goal = 6)

Third Exercise: Dumbell Deadlift
65lbs (Each hand = 130lbs) x 15 reps
75lbs (Each hand = 150lbs) x 15 reps

Fourth Exercise: Back Extensions
No weight, and one set of 25. Hold each lift for a 2 count, and move smooth without snapping up and down. A great exercise for lower back strengthening.

Then it's off to the treadmill for another 20 minutes. Except the incline was 6 degrees and at 3.4mph. For the minutes 16-18, I went up to a 10/3.5. For the last two minutes, I jacked it to a 15/3.6 (15 is max incline). This just gets the hearat rate up there and really gives the lungs a workout.

If you'll notice, I didn't do my traps. I do those on my Shoulder day.

Pako, with the Shrugs, hae you tried "Running the Rack"? Start with a set of 50lb dumbells, and do 40 reps. Without resting, grab the 60lb dumbells and do the set. Yada, Yada... to 120 lbs, then back down. It might not be enough, but it wil at least vary the workout.
Looks good DA, running the rack sounds awesome and might give that a go. If the squat rack is open we will hit that up for some heavy shrugs. For what it's worth, my lats and traps are trashed. What a great feeling!
Moved movie to movie/video sub-forum. Didn't even know it existed, I should get out more..... :)

To stay true to the thread in pounds x # of reps, here was my routine today:

Partial Deads
Bar x 20
135 x 20
225 x 20
315 x 15
405 x 15
495 x 10

Wide Grip Pull Downs
80 x 20
100 x 15
160 x 10
180 x 10

Seated narrow grip rows
120 x 10
140 x 10
160 x 10
180 x 10

Single Arm Pully Shrugs
80 x 12
100 x 12
90 x 12

Barbell Shrugs
135 x 20
225 x 20
405 x 15
585 x 15
675 x 12
405 x 30
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Those were some weird shrug, as if you we dancing :lol: But that's probably due to the weight though, narly 700 lbs isn't exactly light :scared:
I hear ya man. I thought I was somewhat proud of the weight until I saw the video. :lol: I know that with the weight it is causing my legs to absorb some of the shock, hense needing to slow down I think. Next time I will try to slow it down and stay more ridged and controlled, less bounce that way. The range wasn't too bad though.
I've always wondered why there aren't more cameras in a Gym. One hooked up next to the squat rack, and to a TV above the mirror in front of you. You could watch the monitor as you do the squat.


You're a freaking monster. I'm simply amazed at how big you really are when seen on camera. And that's a small car's worth of weight you have there.

Congrats from me too, Pako! That is one hell of an accomplishment!

So how many days do we have to wait before you post the 765 pound shrugs? :P
LOL, thanks guys. Traps and back are sore today (in a good way) so something must be working for me. :)

If I wasn't so weired out by it, I'd like to video tape all my routines to learn from it. I think its a great tool for seeing all the angles to check your form.
I did my back tonight, and set a new personal goal. Deadlifted 315lbs. I started with 135 for 15, then 225 for 8 and they went easy enough. I loaded the third plate on each side, made sure I stretched out nice and mentally prepared myself. It went up suprisingly easy.

The heaviest I've ever dead lifted was 405 when I was 19. So I've slowly getting back to the shape I used to be in.
Ugh, did partial deads today and went up to 525lbs for 8 reps. My lower back has been tweeky since. Should be in prime condition for the 8 hour drive we have tomorrow to take the kids to see their grandparents. :ouch:

I guess every lift can't be barn burners, today was a pretty pathedic back day. Everyone was just tired and beat up. Taking next week off so I should be able to come back with a vengence. :)
Ugh, did partial deads today and went up to 525lbs for 8 reps. My lower back has been tweeky since. Should be in prime condition for the 8 hour drive we have tomorrow to take the kids to see their grandparents. :ouch:

I guess every lift can't be barn burners, today was a pretty pathedic back day. Everyone was just tired and beat up. Taking next week off so I should be able to come back with a vengence. :)

Woah, 8 hours is a very long drive. We have to drive for 20 hours if we want to see any family :lol:

It feels good to take a break from working out, but it's also stressfull as well. You want some rest, and give your body a good break, but at the same time you want to get in there smashing personal records. You should be coming back strong Pako, 500 lbs is a rediculous amount of weight 👍
For sure! I'll be in Spock's neck of the woods in Billings, MT.

I really am looking forward to the break. My body had been having a hard time being recovered by Monday. It's still hurting from the week before, so it's time. :)

20 Hours would be one heck of drive.... UGH. No thanks. :)
I did Back last night and had a fantastic workout. Not sure why, as I was a bit tired going into the gym.

Hit the Elliptical for my first 20 min, then stretched. I changed my routine around slightly, and am thinking that was what improved the workout. Usually, I start with Low rows, then Deadlifts, then Extensions. I did the Deadlifts firsts then low rows, then extensions. Instead of starting with 135x15 for deadlifts, I went 185x15. Felt great, so went for 225x15. Knocked out 12, and then went for 275lbs. I managed 4 and could feel the muscle really work for it.

This must have kicked the adrenaline in, as I was able to do more weight & reps on the low rows then I previously had.

It was a good workout.

Tonight, its an Ab workout and a review with my trainer.
Doing deads first always sets up the intensity for the rest of the workout. I'm usually good and warm after deads for the rest of my back workout.

275 for deads? 👍

You're making some great gains.
I've been pretty excited that I can manage that weight on the Deadlifts. It has always been one of my most enjoyable exercises. And for shear strength building, you can't beat it.

Had another good workout tonight, with the same design. 20 min Elliptical, Deadlifts, Low Rows, Extensions, 20min Elliptical.

No exciting events or massive weights, just the same as last week.

not a Barn Burner ;)
Bringing this back up again, I did back last night.

My trainer has this wonderful theory. It unfortunately results in pain for me.
30, 30, 15, 5x5
That's 8 sets. 30 reps, 30 reps, 15 reps, 5 sets of 5 reps.

Super Set, Reverse grip pulldowns and Low Rows.
Stretch between exercises, but no resting.

Reverse grip Pulldowns.
1st Set: 40lbs
2nd Set: 70lbs
3rd Set: 100lbs
4th Set: 115lbs
5th Set: 130lbs
6th Set: 145lbs
7th Set: 160lbs
8th Set: 175lbs (managed 4 reps)

On Low rows
1st Set: 55lbs
2nd Set: 85lbs
3rd Set: 115lbs
4th Set: 130lbs
5th Set: 145lbs
6th Set: 160lbs
7th Set: 175lbs
8th Set: 205lbs (managed 3 reps)

Then Finished off the night with a 5x5 Super Set exercise.
Bent-over Rows and Chin-ups
5 sets of 5 reps each. No stopping or stretching between exercises.
I used 135lbs on the Bent-over rows.

Made for a great, fast and intense workout.