BallsTotheWalls Garage (Clllutch test drives)


Balls to the walls garage is a general performance tuning garage that strives to make cars that are approachable and powerful at the same time, you dont need to have skills like tsuchiya san to jump in and throw a couple of my tunes around the track while still getting respectable times (hopefully :P). whether your looking for a precise jumpy machine or something you can no lift around corners in, theres something for everyone.​

Im looking for people to test some of my cars for a general feedback because i want a car that is easily handled for everyone, even people not familiar with simulators, since peoples driving style differs greatly.

No aids abs1​
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Why do you want it handle good for everyone? You need it to handle good for you?!?! If you want to start a tuning garage then go ahead and post tunes! People will sooner or later start trying them... maybe ;)
Here are some cars i have tuned for the masses, balanced handling with lots of grip. Idea behind the tunes is that im not the only one driving these cars and i wanted something easy to pick up and have fun with, even my girl can get a hang of these.​


high power monster pp600​

weight red. stage 3/ high rpm turbo/ Drivetrain adjustable LSD/ Fully custom suspension
tested with racing hard/soft
lsd: i.t 18/accell 18/ braking 7
  • ride height 0 / 0
  • spring 10.2 /115
  • extension 5 / 4
  • compression 5 / 3
  • Roll 4 / 4
  • camber 2.6 / 2.4
  • toe -0.15 / 0.15

HONDA NSX type R 02​

touge monster pp550​
weight red 3/ window red/ chassis reinforce/ carbon hood
all engine mods
all drivetrain mods
lsd: it 11 accell20 braking 28
tested with racing hard
full suspension
  • ride height -10 / -10
  • spring 114 /10
  • extension 4 / 5
  • compression 4 / 5
  • Roll 4 / 5
  • camber 2.3 / 3
  • toe -0.15 / 0

BMW M3 coupe 07​

linear pp550​
weight red 3/window weight/carbon hood/chassis reinforce/stage 3 engine tuning/full intake system
standard exhaust man/sports cat/race exhaust/twin plate clutch
lsd: it 13 accell 19 braking 7
tested with racing hard/soft

  • ride height -17 / -17
  • spring 11 /11
  • extension 2 / 2
  • compression 3 / 2
  • Roll 5 / 4
  • camber 2.9 / 2.5
  • toe -0.30 / 0.27

Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX 00​

balls to the wall pp 482​
engine stage 3/ racing exhaust/high rpm turbo/custom transmission
lsd: it 9 accell 35 braking 6
tested with racing hard
  • ride height -30 / -26
  • spring 12.5 /10
  • extension 7 / 5
  • compression 7 / 5
  • Roll 3 / 3
  • camber 2.7 / 2.7
  • toe -0.25 / 0.39

Push to the limit pp550​
weight red stage 3/ window weight/ carbon hood/ ecu/ engine stage 3/ full intake system/ full exhaust system/ 6speed close ratio/ twin clutch
lsd: it 15 accell 16 braking 10
tested with racing hard
  • ride height -7 / -5
  • spring 6.5 /11
  • extension 4 / 4
  • compression 4 / 3
  • Roll 3 / 4
  • camber 2.8 / 2.8
  • toe -0.20 / 0.11

If im missing anything "brake balance to your liking" or you would like see more cars let me know. criticise away :)
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People might be more willing to test your tunes, if they could figure out what car they were for.
Do you know how many different NSX's there are? 30!
The 07 BMW? Coupe or 135i?
What the hell is a Tachi Roku.
Maybe display an ounce of care and people would return the favor.
People might be more willing to test your tunes, if they could figure out what car they were for.
Do you know how many different NSX's there are? 30!
The 07 BMW? Coupe or 135i?
What the hell is a Tachi Roku.
Maybe display an ounce of care and people would return the favor.

135i is a coupe. Maybe you mean M3? Hachi Roku is an 86 corolla (Levin or Trueno)

Looks like OP edited it
updated... I apologise this is my first time ever trying to embed anything i had it working im not quite sure what i did to remove the pictures but i just added more info about the cars instead. Also added evora
I'm in a bigger testing of the BMW M3 Coupe '07 going on for the last weeks and will give your tune some laps tonight! I'll give you some feedback after that. I'm not very good in writing feedbacks about how cars can be tuned better or what should be changed, having my own tuning garage and still learning a lot on how to set up cars. Nevertheless I'll give my best ;)

An advise to you, MTLclllutch, rename this thread and give it a garage name! Just start a "official" tuning garage here and post tunes whenever you feel like it! It's always good to have more garages!
great! Cant wait to get some feedback. I already thought of renaming the thread but i couldnt find out where i go about doing so. Ill be posting more tunes soon so ill be sure to spiffy up the presentation a tad.
You can change it, when editing the first post!

I run some laps on Deep Forest and just compared to default settings. My M3 Coupe is fully tunes and has aero parts, what gives 565 PP. 1:12:3xx with your settings 1:13:9xx after 10 laps each default first... Your tune understeer more and has feels less balanced than the default, maybe the low dampers...
Have you compared it to the default after tuning? Are you faster with your tune? Tuned with a DS3 or wheel?
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i used the ds3. I cant say i remember last time i drove the car stock but like i said these are not meant to be the fastest tunes possible rather than just easy to drive and have a good time. Ill take your advice and test out lowering the dampers i do beleive the car wasnt using enough stroke with its suspension. These are my first tunes i just came over from forza and still trying to find a groove. I dont generally max out cars rather than just make 50pp increments, maybe its a forza habit. Is that the only car you tested?
Yeah, if you set low values this means the dampers are weaker/less resistance to bound or rebound and the car "shakes" more, so I would try increase it! And the understeer is probably because of the rear toe in...
565 PP or 550 PP isn't too much of a difference... it all is a process of learning and doing! I was very tired, when testing and don't have a lot time for GT5 the next weeks, so yes the only car I tested.