Baltic Sea Mystery

  • Thread starter f1reb1rd
I saw earlier on Youtube's featured list that scientists have discovered some sort of "craft" on the ocean floor. I'm on iPod, so I can't really help with links. If you search "Baltic Sea UFO" you'll get a video on it. You can share your opinions here.
Link to newspaper online article with quite a few pictures:

They say it causes electrical gear to fail when you get close. Which makes taking photos or video of it impossible. Only these sonar images from the surface, cool story:


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Someone should inspect it to see if there's a Wookie or Harrison Ford on board.
The Millenium Falcon?


I had posted it in the Ufo cloud, but helas, the cloud was more ufo than this and got deleted because he thought I made fun of him.

Do you think they will find the wine they are looking for? ;)

I have no idea what it can be. Maybe some soviet prototype that crashed?
Maybe it's the thing and it missed the artic?:nervous:

Or it's the nazis surviving in a submarine base, because the Nazis on the moon was too far fetched
Mycelial Falcon?

:lol: To think you used to be such a fungi....

I actually misread the article, they said it looked like a mushroom but appeared to be more like a rock formation of some sort. They have taken samples of it. 👍
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Discovery is making a documentary about it too. So we can all be sure that it isn't anything exciting at all.
Here is a very recent interview with the principal treasure hunter, and the latest photos of the mystery object.

The bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia is an ancient river tributary system, slowly submerged and scoured by glaciers over the last 120,000 years or so. If the object was there between 15,000 and 25,000 years ago, it may well have been above water, and an object of attention by Solutreans or other Europeans of the time.

The object seems to be stone or maybe concrete, shaped like a mushroom or champagne cork. There is another mystery object nearby, and lab tests of rock samples and another expedition are in the works.

The Ocean X team are good at hype, but their science is a bit slow, as might be expected from bibulous Swedish treasure hunters.

Respectfully submitted,
Saw this on a news clip, yesterday. Seems to be a general consensus that no one should get too excited based solely on the words of this expedition group... never know.
That's a really good link, it covers everything to do with this discovery in great detail. 👍 I'm still intrigued by this object, even if it is just a bizarre rock formation. Sometimes nature is more amazing than any mad theory anyone can come up with!

My theory for the Baltic Mystery Object:

- About 100k years ago there was a natural fountain or spring at that location.

- Over the millennia, as the ancient rivers changed course and the glaciers came and went, the location was scoured and covered, but still the water (and/or gas) pushed up. Mud and sediment created an orifice or outflow artifact that solidified into the object.

- As the sea level raised, lowered and raised again, river flow and oceanic tides undercut the object, leaving the characteristic mushroom profile.

- As the sea level dropped around 18k years ago, the industrious Solutreans climbed it, dug a staircase, and left one or more hearths or other workings on top of the mound. The fountain would still be pushing out its liquids and gases, and perhaps the object was venerated or exploited.

- Water or other fluids are still coming out of one or more holes today.

Respectfully submitted,
Anyone still following this? I've seen a lot of explanations out there, but not sure if I can trust any of the sources. I read that the divers' 'equipment' malfunctions at 200m distance from the object... an example of questionable details. Which equipment, exactly?
Now they're begging for money to go on. Still saying they have no idea what it is.

It all seems likea big publicity stunt to me. Just seeing how much money they can squeeze out of it.
It's created by the (last) ice age about 40 000-10 000 years ago. There are a lot of similar smooth rock cliffs in Finland and Sweden. The edges in it are there just probably because of pieces chipped off randomly by natural factors.

The bedrock here is also rich in Uranium, so that explains the radiation levels.

The rocks in a circle, if not a coincidence, are probably due to Soviet submarines that violated especially the Swedish territorial waters.