That's a really good link, it covers everything to do with this discovery in great detail. 👍 I'm still intrigued by this object, even if it is just a bizarre rock formation. Sometimes nature is more amazing than any mad theory anyone can come up with!
My theory for the Baltic Mystery Object:
- About 100k years ago there was a natural fountain or spring at that location.
- Over the millennia, as the ancient rivers changed course and the glaciers came and went, the location was scoured and covered, but still the water (and/or gas) pushed up. Mud and sediment created an orifice or outflow artifact that solidified into the object.
- As the sea level raised, lowered and raised again, river flow and oceanic tides undercut the object, leaving the characteristic mushroom profile.
- As the sea level dropped around 18k years ago, the industrious Solutreans climbed it, dug a staircase, and left one or more hearths or other workings on top of the mound. The fountain would still be pushing out its liquids and gases, and perhaps the object was venerated or exploited.
- Water or other fluids are still coming out of one or more holes today.
Respectfully submitted,