Barry White Dead at 58Music 

I saw that on the local news just now. I always used to talk about him in a joking manner but he actually was a great guy.

BTW-It seems like everyone is dying. Gregory Peck. Katherine Hepburn, Strom Thurmond,Buddy Hackett and now Barry White.
I thought Gregory Peck was already dead, Katherine Hepburn has been looked like a mummy for 20 years (maybe it just caught up with her), Strom Thurmond should have never been born, Buddy Hackett was pretty funny back in the day, and I'll miss Barry White.
I live in South Carolina and It pisses me off that you say that because he was a very good man. And don't say that he was a racist because he did change his views. Before I say anymore I want to know the reasoning for your statement.
That's a shame.

But I guess that with Ally McBeal cancelled, there was nothing left for him to do.

Off to the Music Forum...
The lowest, deepest voice in the world is now gone.

RIP, Barry White :(
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie

Off to the Music Forum...

You're nuts, this is a general topic.

If a movie theatre collapsed, would you put it in the TV & Movies forum?

Originally posted by risingson77
You're also a raving lunatic...
Ravers aren't lunatics....wait, I take that back.

Snake Whacking Day will never be the same.