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Go Taylor's Boyfriend!
Kansas City, MO
Is anyone here a battletech fan? Let's get a thread going with pictures of minis that we have done, à la the Hot wheels customization thread.


Just a run of the mill assault lance with a mongrel mech added in.




Warhammer modified to the -7A configuration. I stripped the paint of this one once Catalyst revealed the clan Wolverine paint scheme.

Any other mechheads out there?
This reminds me of Bionicle....

Which in turn makes me think of some sort of bionic monocle, which makes me question why, if a bionic monocle is a thing, not just get corrective eye surgery to negate the need for a monocle altogether?
Loved the video game, played it over LAN throughout highschool. Played a little of the roll playing game, but lost everything I had for it. I do remember always having to be a chicken walker though, don't remember why...
I caught onto Battletech via Mechwarrior 2 in 1996. :) I have the starter box for the tabletop game but none of my friends were geeky enough to sit through it, so I've hardly played at all, though I understand how it works. I inherited a small box of minis, too, but none are painted or set up. For a brief time in highschool I was the music composer for an indie effort to convert the tabletop game to a 3D PC game, called MechWar3D, long since abandoned. The songs we uploaded as "previews" still echo across corners of the web.

I've been keeping my eye on the MechWarrior Online beta; I need to get my desktop up and running to see if it runs any better than on this laptop, because on here it's just too slow to keep up with the action. My favorite game is still MW2; Mechwarrior 3 was kinda shallow and MW4 is like an FPS with torso twisting.
Used to play the old computer games back in the early 90s. I think they were called The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (don't remember the other game). Never played the MechWarrior games though.