I really did think 2:57 was decently fast. But oh well. I heard ImaRobot was fast. Didn't know about Vic Reign93. Guess it's time to up my game.
I just had a disturbing thought. I've probably been sim racing longer than most people and I'm still playing catch-up. Damn.
Forza is the only racer I end up going back to consecutively, where as you're coming straight from the Playstation before this game, so I'm probably near my peak and don't think I'd advance too much in the future. Oddly enough, drifting back in fm4 has taught me car control, so its something that could probably help if you dabble. Also keep in mind that manual with clutch makes you a good bit faster than the other settings.
However, for this car it helps to keep slightly on the power to avoid lift off oversteer.
EDIT: After reviewing the rating system (thanks
@Vic Reign93!), I think this car is a sleeper as well.
MR set-ups can be a bit tricky to drive in sometimes, and but this one holds it's ground for the most part. You'd want to avoid lifting mid turn though, as that's when you'll start a slide, and when that happens there likely is no saving it.
There are some turns where you wouldn't really have to slow down at all, if you find that right entry point, but for others, I found that slowing down a bit more before it, and powering through the apex to be the best bet to avoid any unsettling of the car. It has great turn in, so much so that it's unexpected and I'd end up smashing into a wall because of it. There was a right hand sweeper after a long left somewhat near the beginning that I kept doing that exact thing.
Overall, I really enjoy the car, and it really made me want to tune it to the top of A-class and see how it holds, because even driving it stock definitely holds it's own.