Being Made Redundant,But.........

England / UK
...............I have thousands to spend, blow, invest, fritter away, burn, waste, etc. :sly:

So balls to it, I can finally afford a wheel. I have descided on the G25, as it looks more ergonomically friendly, for instance the gear knob is not fixed to the unit. You also have the option of paddle shift etc.

My question is...

"What can I mount it to?" Or "What other options do I have?"

I have tried looking for play seats but can't seem to find much.

Any advice or help wasting my money would be gretly appretiated.

Grim 👍
GameRacer - Mine has been excellent, it is sturdy, well finished and very adjustable. My G25 is bolted in place, so no clamps to work loose. I fabricated my own bracket for mounting the gear shift but GameRacer do supply a ready made solution. The seat was £250, I think the additional bracket for the shift is £39.

Playseat is a good option too... I have one and it works GREAT! :) G25 is coming... using a DFP right now... ;) good luck with yours!! :)

Actually I am making some research myself to buy a wheel, and I considered as well the issue of standing the wheel somewhere.
I think that depends on 2 options:

1) Space is not a problem for you, so you can consider using some space in your living room, or wherever you play GT5P. In this case a playseat should be a good option.
2) Space is an issue (this is my case)...I saw a stand called "wheel stand pro" that is portable, so you can dismount everything after you finish racing. The product is polish, but they have delivery in all Europe.

I hope that helped.

Kind regards
Thousands you say...!
Well have i got a deal for you......would be happy to make you a simulator to suit your siize complete with air conditioning.
Shipping it to England could be a problem though.

Goodluck with what ever you decide.
see ya Grim
Thousands you say...!
Well have i got a deal for you......would be happy to make you a simulator to suit your siize complete with air conditioning.
Shipping it to England could be a problem though.

Goodluck with what ever you decide.
see ya Grim

If it is anything like yours, my lady would go nuts. :crazy: