Best B-Spec Bob stories?

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RSV Italiano327
Hey all,

Recently I've been reading through the 'Biggest "I'm an idiot" moment of GT5' thread, and I got a lot of good laughs out of the stories about the notorious idiot Bob that barely possesses the mental capacity to turn the steering wheel and depress the accelerator and brake pedals (although often at the completely wrong moments).

So, simply put, I wanted to make a thread dedicated to these stories, because we all have at least one instance that we cursed out idiot bob for, and I think I speak for a lot of people here that those stories make us laugh, so let's hear 'em!

Thanks in advance! :dopey:
May I share a horrid story that all of us have faced...

Bob + Daytona = WHY ARE YOU BRAKING?!?!?!?!
When I retired Bob.
This is when my B Spec career peaked.
When did it fall again you ask?
When I hired a new Bob. :D
my guy braked before the finish line on FGT championship on indy road coure while in 1st, only to take 2nd, right before the end of the race.
How about when he waits patiently for others to pass then slowly pulls out behind them. I yell at him to floor it but he must have ear plugs.
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