Best Car 2008 Series : The R8 Takes It!

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
Full Bracket!!!

We'll start the car v car face offs in a little while...
Why are there two of the same cars-- the buick and holden-- on the list?
I tried to make the brackets interesting from the start... Its not about "good" or "easy" choices, but quite obviously, there are going to be cars that could be easily upset to start with. That's what makes it fun, just like the NCAA Tournament!
Just curious, how were the brackets decided? Was there a system or was it "Hmmm... The ZR-1 stands a good chance against these cars...." and "Hmm... I bet at least one of these could stop the GT-R from winning..."
Just curious, how were the brackets decided? Was there a system or was it "Hmmm... The ZR-1 stands a good chance against these cars...." and "Hmm... I bet at least one of these could stop the GT-R from winning..."

It was done by seeding the cars with the most votes at the top of the brackets (The GT-R, Corvette, CTS and S2000 had the most by a long-shot as I recall), the second best going to the bottom (as a #2 seed), and then attempting to populate the rest of it while following a similar order based on votes... All while trying to make it as interesting as possible throughout.

I could re-calculate the scores a bit and double-check everything just to be sure if you guys would like a different setup... I'm happy to change it if anyone thinks its unfair, as it is, it was a risk that I took making it so quickly.
That sounds like a good system. Hopefully these were done by percentages, not by actual votes earned? because cars with five competitors would fair much better than ones from, say, the German count which had quite a few cars...
That sounds like a good system. Hopefully these were done by percentages, not by actual votes earned? because cars with five competitors would fair much better than ones from, say, the German count which had quite a few cars...

It would be the same with the percentage. If there are less cars then the percentages will also be higher.
I dunno... I'd switch the Cadillac with the Buick... the CTS is the big winner here, unless someone actually wants to vote for the FAW.
I see this being a Corvette/GT-R war.
I'm calling it now. Corvette vs. GT-R, with the Nissan winning in the final. My poor Exige will get slain :(
QFT. 👍 But lets hope it doesn't end at that.

I dunno... I'd switch the Cadillac with the Buick... the CTS is the big winner here, unless someone actually wants to vote for the FAW.
Well that would be pointless, since then its a Chinese vs. Chinese situation. But I'll suggest something better (if I could have a say and everyone would agree with me on this)

  • Swap the Fiat 500 with the CTS. I think the CTS vs. the Buick would make it look more competitive, since both cars are in the same segment. Same can be said about the 500 and the FAW.
  • Swap the Exige with the Holden. The Holden would probably be more competitive against the GTR than the Exige, and the Exige and the Megane would almost fit in the same bracket as a compact sports car and the Holden and the GTR would be the sports performance car bracket. Either way, it would probably end up with a GTR vs. Commodore situation anyhow......

Well that is just my 2 cents right there. 👍
Maybe if we give it a cooler picture then the last poll... like THIS. Fanboys are usually n00bs, so appearance is everything.
Maybe if we give it a cooler picture then the last poll... like THIS. Fanboys are usually n00bs, so appearance is everything.

What a picture, but come on, it's versing the Elise, the GT-R and Renault's hottest hatch. It should beat the Renault by rights, but I'll probably be the only one voting for it against the GT-R (which the Exige will presumably lose to, even I'll vote GT-R there).
Is it just possible the Holden isn't the best car here?


In my eyes it is the best looking, and the coolest, it poses a serious bang for buck, it is a really practical yet very fast car (it's a large sedan/wagon/Ute after all), and is also a huge leap forward in performance from the previous model and for the Australian vehicle market. Did I also mention it has as much heritage if not more than most cars here? Not to mention having one of the largest fan bases in the world. (Few of which seem to be on here :sly:)

Edit: Oh, but having fans doesn't help it be better, just thought I'd mention it.💡
Largest fan based in the world? Are we talking about the same automotive company?

Also the more heritage comment is rather funny since it's going up against cars like the Fiat 500, Nissan GT-R, and Chevy Corvette...all cars with a ton of heritage behind them.
You want world's biggest fanbase? tell me, What color tends to fill stands at any Formula 1 racetrack?

That's right. Red. Ferrari Red. It's funny how popular a manufacturer almost nobody can afford can be. (It's also funny how on this forum of automotive enthusiasts, no Ferrari made it onto the bracket.)

Besides, for as many Holden fans as there are in Australia, there's almost NONE in the U.S, Europe, or Asia. Why? You can't get a Holden. Sure, you can get a Vauxhall, or a Pontiac, or even a Chevrolet. But no actual Holden.
I think I'm going to have to agree with Jim on this one, Ferrari more than likely has the world's largest fan base and probably the most heritage too.
Besides, for as many Holden fans as there are in Australia, there's almost NONE in the U.S, Europe, or Asia. Why? You can't get a Holden. Sure, you can get a Vauxhall, or a Pontiac, or even a Chevrolet. But no actual Holden.

Australia isn't the largest country population wise either is it and half of those will be Ford fans anyway. The UK has 3 times the population of Australia, Vauxhall may even have more fans worldwide then Holden. God help us.


I'm gonna just come out and say it: The Holden is ugly. It looks like it's been hit in the face with something very blunt. I understand it's great value for money, and very quick, and can give Euro and American saloons a bloody nose, but the whole 'sledgehammer' approach doesn't really appeal to me. I respect it as a great car, but I can never love it, so the Megane will be getting my vote in that bracket. I've been a fan of French hot hatches as long as I can remember so the ultimate French hot hatch will get my vote.

As for whoever mentioned the FAW, I would consider voting for it but in the end the Caddy will get my vote as I do kinda like it. As good a Chinese car the Vita is, it still isn't as good as one of the top saloons the States has to offer.
I'm gonna just come out and say it: The Holden is ugly. It looks like it's been hit in the face with something very blunt. I understand it's great value for money, and very quick, and can give Euro and American saloons a bloody nose, but the whole 'sledgehammer' approach doesn't really appeal to me. I respect it as a great car, but I can never love it,...

+1, I couldn't agree more with that statement.
I could see some good fights breaking out, here...

Round 1:
Alfa 8C vs Aston DB9: Both about as fast, both gorgeous, In the end all coming down to Italian passion or British beauty.

S2K Vs RS Clio: Wow...this could be a tooth-and-nail match between two light, fast, incredible-handling cars with entirely different philosophies. Who will prevail, FF or FR?

Possible Round 3:
GT-R vs R8: I can see this one descending into the bowels of argument. Then again, I predict all the threads involving the GT-R doing that, but with two heavy, four-wheel-drive, technologically advanced vehicles going at it, no-one ever knows. and who knows, it might be that the fanboy protection brigade votes the Exige through, instead.

'Vette Vs DB9/8C: This could be difficult to call as well. Granted, the GT-R has become everyone's new favorite debate topic, but I doubt Euro pride will falter...especially if the Brit gets through.

Final Prediction: Either 'Vette or DB9 Vs R8. With so many people hating the GT-R's supposed fanbase, (and I must say, I don't know what sites you're going to that makes you jump down anyone's throats who says they like it,) I can't see it winning