Best Car view to race with?

  • Thread starter dougr2
Hi, searched around and couldn't find this, so sorry if it's a repeat. I'm pretty new to GT4 and am working my way through. Is there a general agreement that one view is better to use than another or is it just personal preference. I generally use the bumper view, but tried the above car view for a few runs. While I wasn't used to it at all, it seemed like it might be easier to see what's going on with the car? So, is above car better? Also, a little off topic - is it possible to turn off driving aids on the driving missions (if so how)?

Thanks, this site is awesome and been very helpful.
It's all personal preference my friend. I drive in the chase view (behind the car) while others drive in the roof or bumper view. Everyone has their personal preference, so choose whatever suits you. Also there is no way to turn off driving aids in driving missions. 👍
I use 3rd person too, but on test course I use bumper or roof cam so I can see the 240mph speedometer go all the way around :lol:

Shame theres no analouge gauges in 3rd person, it would of been better imo.
I use 3rd person too, but on test course I use bumper or roof cam so I can see the 240mph speedometer go all the way around :lol:

Shame theres no analouge gauges in 3rd person, it would of been better imo.

True, I do that too, especially on cars like a fully modified Speed 12 or Viper. Just to watch that needle spin through 250km/hr faster than my own spins through 100km/hr :scared: It really moves quick when you think about it. The rest of the time I like being able to see where my car is and to look at it is nice. I can put up with the digital speedo, but the revs I'd really like Analogue :grumpy: When I drive something like a Cuda in manual I need the roof cam so I can see where to shift. Mostly.
It's just personal preference.

I use Coptercam with the pad, as I find Fakeinsidecam unhelpful, but when I'm using the wheel I prefer Fakeinsidecam to Coptercam. Which is quite odd.
If I use coptercam with either wheel or controller, I end up feeling like it's the Drunk Driving Simulator.

It's not perfect, but I have to use the first person view. It is all personal preference, though.
After a long session in bumpercam in anything but the stiffest-of-stiff racecars, I tend to get a little wonky in the stomach and head from all the dive and squat :scared:

When I first started the game I used the chase cam, but I'm on the roofcam now.

Unless the car is really tall... then I feel like I'm about fifty feet in the air. Seriously... hop in the Honda Pilot and come up from behind a small car. It's completely obscured from view when you're still a good carlength or two behind it! In those situations, I suck it up and go to bumpercam.
roofcam FTW, it lets you see what the sides of the car are in the track and a bit more sideways feel.
I use the view where you can see the hood, roof cam is it called? I used to love the 'copter view, but I can't drive using it anymore, the cars always feel sluggish.
at first i didnt know gt had switched their view button to select so i thought they changed it, but i realized after a month of playing that it WAS select, but by that time i was already too use to bumper cam. in pprevious though, i was used to chase view, gt4's chase view seem to be different than the previous, i think its because the camera is fixed on completely unlike gt 3
I like to use roof cam, though bumper cam is definitely much better for dogfights if you're using a wheel. I just discovered that, in that view, D-Pad left and right pivots the camera angle, so I can actually see where the other cars are. It's much, much better, since I don't much like 270 degree blind spots :mad:
i use bumper cam.., IMO it is better to judge the corners once you familiarize yourself with a given course.., 👍
For Racing & Sprints: Bumper Cam
For Drifting: Roof Cam

There's something about the roof cam that allows me to control my angles a lot better than if I was on chase or bumper cam, regardless of the car I use.
I use bumpbercam as i...
1) can see apex's better.
2) i can also judge when i am about to rub the ai.
3) i can use the rearview mirror.
4) it is what i am use to because i always use it.
Started out on GT4 with using the roofcam before switching to the bumpercam after getting used to the controls. :)
I used to use roof cam when I thought it was the hood. When I finally figured it out I switched right away and never use anything else.