Best Free Webhost

I"m going to fire up a website ( Non Gaming) and I need ya'lls opinions.

What is the best all around webhost?

MY requirements for a hsot:
PHP/CJI Capability
500m Bandwidth
At least 30 megs of space
No ads

I found, but they dont' have all that I need for this site, sadly.
*Please*Post your thoughts on the best webhost that meets those requirements.
Check out

They have user reviews for just about every web host in existence. You can also search for a specific host or a specific feature, like how much space, bandwidth, or types of ads.
I don't think you can get a free host with no ads. No one is going to pay for your website unless they know you personally.

What do you mean by "500m Bandwidth"?

And I believe the term you're looking for is CGI, not CJI?
First of all, you need to evaluate exactly how serious you are about this website. If you are serious, I highly recommend that you spend a few dollars a month and go with a quality hosting company such as BareFooting. The time, trouble, and headaches a real host will save you will be worth it!
Jordan's exactly right. You can get all the features you want, plus comeback if things go wrong, for $2.50 per week. Which, unless you have no money at all, isn't too bad really.

Besides, for the features you list, you're unlikely to find anyone who will give you that for nothing. Plus, if you're after CGI access (why do you want CGI AND PHP?), you want a professional host that can properly sandbox multiple sites on the same server: the last thing you want is some ham-fisted programmer crashing the server that your site sits on.
Ummm...Jordan...that link doesn't seem to be working...Do you have any other reputable suggestions?


:lol: Not terribly encouraging when a web host's web site doesn't work!

If you can live with the fact that their datacentre is in Germany, have a look at 1&1 Webhosting - they're who I use. Or if that's a problem, PM Stealth Viper, and ask him who his host is (tell him I sent you!)
Ummm...Jordan...that link doesn't seem to be working...Do you have any other reputable suggestions?
Whoa, I'm suprised by that, but apparently that suggestion might not be too reputable! :lol: Another company which I have heard great praise about is below...

If you can live with the fact that their datacentre is in Germany, have a look at 1&1 Webhosting - they're who I use. Or if that's a problem, PM Stealth Viper, and ask him who his host is (tell him I sent you!)
Stealth Viper hosts his site with Ventures Online, a host that receives almost universal praise for its speed, reliability, and supportive support (I should have mentioned them first, but I forgot). Sure enough, they do have great connectivity, and I certainly wouldn't hesitate to host GTPlanet with them.
There is ad-free free webhosting. Neopages has adfree web hosting but you need to have a website up already before they will host you so they know that they are not wasting ad-free webspace on a complete flump.