Best investment ive made


Return of the Krugen
United States
Huntsville, Alabama.
Didnt really have a place for this but i figured this section fit it the best. I ordered my HDLoader 2 months ago and loving it! Dont know if anyone here has one or has had the luxury of hearing of it but if you havent heres a brief what its about. You get software that basically tricks the PS2 into thinking its a PS2 game, but its not. You get a network adapter and a HD to hook up to the network adapter and install, takes all of 22 seconds. After that you stick in the dvd and it formats the drive to the file system it uses. Then all you have to do is stick in whatever game and it rips it to the harddrive, takes about 20-30 mins on a typical game. One of the best things about it is that when i play GT3 there are pretty much zero load times! And also another example is GTA:vice city. Going between areas usually had to wait and wait for it to load everything...not anymore! Also you can borrow or rent a game and rip it, but dont do that its must be a backup copy of one you own to make it legal....:sly: . You can also jerk the HD out of the PS2 and XP see's it as an external drive so you can rip games fast as 5 mins using a pc data transfer. Love the thing, thought i would share it.
well,i knew about all that,but with the set up i have,i don't need any of that.All the hassle(?) about disk space,set up,speed to upload,etc can be avoided with a simple dvd.You can carry it around,borrow it to your friends,etc.Yes,the load times are worse,but i don't mind waiting 5 or 10 seconds.
This violates the AUP

but its still kinda cool

Doesn't really violate anything - HDLoader is a completely legit tool - That it CAN be used for illegal activities is another thing..

I've praised my Chip Mod (DMS4Pro) and ToxicOS on numerous occasions - and it does exactly the same - Only faster as it boots off the modchip and not a DVD :-)

But yes - A great mod, and highly recommendable as there's no more scratch discs to worry about - And if you're scared of welding, HDLoader sounds like an ideal replacement...
Doesn't really violate anything - HDLoader is a completely legit tool - That it CAN be used for illegal activities is another thing..

I've praised my Chip Mod (DMS4Pro) and ToxicOS on numerous occasions - and it does exactly the same - Only faster as it boots off the modchip and not a DVD :-)

But yes - A great mod, and highly recommendable as there's no more scratch discs to worry about - And if you're scared of welding, HDLoader sounds like an ideal replacement...

I wonder if they make something like that for the PS3.....
I have HDAdvance 3.0 my self, fantastic product. Games load quickly and I don't need to worry about killing my PS2 laser or scratching discs. However, the process to get GT4 into a single layer ISO was a bit tricky, but the game is just not the same, it loads smoother, and faster.

Also, the PS2 was designed to support hard drives, however, Sony never followed through with this fully, just used a hard drive with their Linux kit (only sold in Europe), and one game that had on-line play.

Also, PS3 has hard drive support, so, I can almost guarantee we will see some home brew apps that will allow you to run games right from the HDD.