Looks alright, take out the fish though. Unless it was in security glass or something next to impossible to break, I wouldn't like it near my comp though.
I gurtantee you that's not just regular glass. Probably a type of plexi-glass. Probably like 1/8th-1/4in. thick, and...unless you kick it or something it isn't going to break or leak.
No liquid within 10 miles of your 'puter? I take it you're not a big fan(heh, sorry) of water cooling systems?
I just don't like the idea of water flowing through my case. What would happened if the tubes broke? Your $3000 investment down the drain. I rather install more fans than install water cooling.
Okay now this is not a side panel but is a cool looking case i wouldnt mind having. I-Tee Just watch the little animated movie to see how it all works.