Best Prank You've Been Part Of/When You Were The Pranked

United States
The Speedway
Hi there.

I recently was part of a massive prank in which I was unknowingly involved in, which lead me to create this thread. Nothing I searched seemed to fit my quota, but if there has been one, please lock the thread. Thanks!

Anywho, I will begin.

I, over the summer, went to a basketball camp, in which the camp was held at a college campus (we stayed in the dorms). I was with my three friends.

My dad, thinking my mom is overprotective (which she kinda is), hired a friend (without my knowledge) to create a replica of the city I was staying in's newspaper, with me on the front page with my friends saying "Four boys caught in vandalism at local college".

Oh boy, she was furious. But my dad let her get to the outskirts of town (the drive to the college is two hours) and then called and stopped her.

What about you?
When I was 15 or 16ish, a friend of mine from school found out where I live somehow. I don't live near anyone I know or am friends with so it's an extremely rare occurrence that someone would come over. Thus, I was chillin' in my undies when I got a phone call from him saying, "Hey, don't you live in such and such spot in such and such building? Put on the news-- they say there's a guy with a shotgun on the loose around your community."

I'm like, "🤬, really?" I put on the news and I can't find it. He says, "You should probably make sure your doors are locked just in case."

"Good idea," I think. So I go over to the door and as soon as I check it, my friend tries to force his way into the house. I almost lost it while trying to deadbolt the door. I was more worried that I was in my underwear, actually.

So then I realized it was him after he was laughing outside and on the phone. He wanted to hang out, but I had to figure out how to make it apparent that I needed to get dressed. Hahaha. I was so mad.
Funny enough, my friends and I pranked one of our friends on Saturday.

One of our friends sold his pignose SR20 240SX S13 hatch that had a lot of work put into it to a friend. (The one that we pranked) And...let's just say he's done some things we don't consider very tasteful to it. Lowering it to the point of scraping a LOT, sticker bombing the side hatch windows, and smoking the taillights. He was proud of it so much that we decided to pull a friendly prank on him while he was...partying a couple houses away.

Took some coco and Crisco to mix together to look like a pile of feces (unfortunately it smelled of coco, but we were hoping that he'd feel the gooey-ness of what we made) and spread some on his windshield and stuck the blob underneath his driver side door handle.

As he was exiting the party to drive home, he noticed it and texted one of my friends angrily. (Unfortunately we were immediately suspected for it) Of course, he played stupid about the substance on the car and ignored the rest of the texts. Finally, one of my friends and I had to be dropped off since we didn't bring our cars to the place and were spotted by the pranked friend. He texted my friend driving us home "Yeah! Go ahead and run away!" Of which my friend handed me the phone and had me text back "I'm actually dropping off ____ and ____." Immediately got a reply with an apology for the angry text. :lol:

We still haven't told him who did it. :D
On the internal scholl email service we found that someone had left their email on. Then the form tutor tells us to write an insulting email to him on that persons account.
Next lesson, he opens it and reads it out to the class.

It included the lines:
"Your mother was an 'amster and your father smelt"
"I fart in your general direction"
"You make Robert Mugabe look like the fifth Teletubby"