Best screen to leave B-spec on?

  • Thread starter grog
United States
Humboldt / CA
I have heard a few suggestions for B-spec to select the live timing monitor so that its only rendering a small portion on the screen, with the goal of reducing the load on the PS3.

I'd been doing that ever since and I just found a better option which is esentialy a blank screen so the PS3 should be even less "busy". The screen I use is the camera selection screen (its in the upper right hand corner). Its just a list of drivers, I select this and shut off my TV for long races.

I know this isn't the most important stuff but I though it might help some people.
I stated the title as a question because this isn't proven or anything and I'm intrested in everyone else's input.
I have always used the 'Live Timing Moniter' screen, but I never thought of using the driver list! Thank you, great idea!

On topic, I really have no idea how much it helps lower the load, but it can't hurt, right?
It seems like setting it to this screen reduces heat, as the fan will typically slow down at this screen and it typically speed up when at other screens. But again I'm just going off my own crude observations.
I'm no expert but I would think that when the PS3 doesn't have to put the full image on the screen , i.e live timing or the driver's list , then there would be less load put on the PS3. I'm going to give this a try and see if mine runs quieter thanks for posting this up I didn't think about this before.
Excellent idea, grog!

To back your idea up (somewhat) scientifically I hooked my PS3 up to a cheap power meter (Peaktech 9024) and told Bob to take the Ferrari for a spin.

1. 83-85W in normal viewing mode

2. 78-80W in 'Live Timing' mode

3. 74-76W in 'Car Select' screen

Don't trust the absolut numbers too much (the Peaktech isn't known as the most accurate meter), but it consistently shows that there's something to be gained by using the 'Car Select' screen.
Why leave the screen on, you should be watching tv :)

lol you've missed the point mate, whether the TV is on or not they are referring to the PS3 still having to work to output a video picture which causes drain on power due to use of the graphics card. On the driver selection screen, there is no graphics to speak of so the PS3 doesn't heat up.
Off subject i know but if you do go and look at the other drivers from the drivers list (select the camera icon and driver) you can see how drained they are of mental and physical strength, may help if you are struggling in 2nd ? I used it a few times to win close races.
Just to add my tips. Whenever I know that I'll only be running long B-spec endurance races, I put the PS3 on 480p mode. Trust me, this reduces heat output a whole lot more, and even power consumption as well. If you're not going to look at the screen much anyways, why does it matter if its in nice fancy 1080p or just 480p standard def?

I also stand my PS3 up on its four edges, so that there's an empty space underneath the system to disperse heat on the bottom surface.
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I just wanted to add that my ps3 did freeze on me once at that screen last night right as the race finished and it switched back to the regular camera. But it has aslo frozen a handfull of times at other screens so it may just be my system buggin out.
Excellent idea, grog!

To back your idea up (somewhat) scientifically I hooked my PS3 up to a cheap power meter (Peaktech 9024) and told Bob to take the Ferrari for a spin.

1. 83-85W in normal viewing mode

2. 78-80W in 'Live Timing' mode

3. 74-76W in 'Car Select' screen

Don't trust the absolut numbers too much (the Peaktech isn't known as the most accurate meter), but it consistently shows that there's something to be gained by using the 'Car Select' screen.

So generally the PS3 in B-spec mode is using about the same amount of watts as a light bulb. I find that a little hard to believe.
Iv been running B-Spec today on the live timing screen so there is still the small window to view. First I did the 1000km suzuka which took just over 7 hours in the FGT it was raining at the start , a few times I checked and at the end so that's why it took so long. Anyway the PS3 is a lot cooler to touch than the times where I was running it full screen , it was getting quite warm like this. I will say it's well worth thinking about running it this way as it makes a difference. Mines a slim PS3 which is only 3 months old.
Just to add my tips. Whenever I know that I'll only be running long B-spec endurance races, I put the PS3 on 480p mode. Trust me, this reduces heat output a whole lot more, and even power consumption as well. If you're not going to look at the screen much anyways, why does it matter if its in nice fancy 1080p or just 480p standard def?

I also stand my PS3 up on its for edges, so that there's an empty space underneath the system to disperse heat.

Now that was a cool pun intended
I also stand my PS3 up on its for edges, so that there's an empty space underneath the system to disperse heat.

I think I understand what you mean here. I've done something similar to that idea, I stuck some large rubber feet on the bottom of my PS3 to lift it up a bit (about half an inch) and allow better airflow withit standing vertically.
So generally the PS3 in B-spec mode is using about the same amount of watts as a light bulb. I find that a little hard to believe.

You think the numbers should be higher?

As I said: don't trust the actual numbers of my cheap meter too much. Just look at the trend.

I tested this with a PS3 Slim 160GB. A fat one should show more power consumption.
Anyway, the numbers seem to be in the right ballpark for a slim model, according to Wikipedia:

The PS3 Slim reduces this power consumption by another 34% with the use of a 45 nm Cell, to around 76 W.

@BeerBro: I'll have to check this on 480p, great idea!
You think the numbers should be higher?

As I said: don't trust the actual numbers of my cheap meter too much. Just look at the trend.

I tested this with a PS3 Slim 160GB. A fat one should show more power consumption.
Anyway, the numbers seem to be in the right ballpark for a slim model, according to Wikipedia:

@BeerBro: I'll have to check this on 480p, great idea!

I would, working in IT, the slimline PC's have 125 - 350 watt power supplies. If the PS3 runs like a laptop that would be 45 to 120 watts. I've looked at the power supply online and find it a bit small for the processing required. I was going to guess at least 150 watts
I think I understand what you mean here. I've done something similar to that idea, I stuck some large rubber feet on the bottom of my PS3 to lift it up a bit (about half an inch) and allow better airflow withit standing vertically.

i have mine on horizontal, and used textbooks on both ends to lift up the system. The bottom surface of the system will be able to disperse heat much quicker this way.

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There are some really nice tips in this thread to keep the system cool. Thanks everyone!

My ps3 sits outside in the open on top of the ps3 cardboard box that it came in. Haven't had any heat related issues so far, but for long bspec races I will follow these tips. 👍
I sit mine on top of a laptop fan , the fan is powered by my laptop *using USB extention cables along the room floor* so not to draw power from the PS3 to keep itself cool which kind of defeats the object.It is stored in the open next to the window which has a slight draft. I leave it on always and have had no issues with it (them, i have 2).
starting the level 35 to 40 grind....this is good info to know...didnt realize it used that much power while mac mini only used 11w at idle....
starting the level 35 to 40 grind....this is good info to know...didnt realize it used that much power while mac mini only used 11w at idle....

The PS3 isn't idle though. It's busily running Bob through races. :)