Best shot 2009 (shot of the year)

  • Thread starter Ibonibo


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Hi, did a research an didn't find a tread treating this:

Post the photo of 2009 which impressed you the most

It doesn't need to be a shot taken by you.

Give a littel comment why this is your photo of the year

So this is mine:

This is a funeral of a chimanzee at Cameroon—At the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, more than a dozen residents form a gallery of grief, looking on as Dorothy—a beloved female felled in her late 40s by heart failure—is borne to her burial.

I think this pictures shows more humanity than some humans can give in their entire life. This picture moves me everytime i see it.
Wow, great shot.
Some of the gestures (hand on chest by 3rd from right) shown by the family members, are identical to some human ones.
These gestures and others like that, show we are not that far removed to these animals and others.
What a bloody great photo that is. I actually have a tear or two in my eyes, which I will have to briskly wipe away before my colleagues sweep me off to a bar. Thanks for sharing this.
I remember seeing that shot in the Herald Sun (Melbourne newspaper).

It really is a fantastic shot, shows how close a community of chimpanzees are.