Best Track To "See" what your car is doing

United States
Florida - USA
Now that I'm doing races with the WSCC I've begun watching the videos of my practices with a more critical eye for what's going on with the car, to see if I'm hitting my turns correctly and help me tune better. Next race is Nurb and in watching the video it lept out at me that this is probably the best track to run to feel and see what your car is doing for a better tune. I know tunes should be track specific, however, the 84 turns of the Nord can give you a great idea of the car itself I think!
Very good track, one of my favorites. It is good for seeing if you have a well balanced car setup. That said I find it to long and with to many variables to use for initial tuning of a car. I'll generally use a couple of shorter tracks to do my initial tuning on then fine tune the car on the specific track I intend to use it on.
Deep Forest. It really accentuates any instability problems and LSD problems you may have. Also Laguna Seca.
I disagree with Laguna Seca, I made bad experiences with it.

Nordschleife is a good track to see what your car is doing, but not to see how fast it is.
I think the ring is the best to try, you've also got the 24 hour layout with some of the extra turns, you've got everything except a completely top speed run, but you cn get pretty close to it.
I like using several tracks to setup my cars. I start with something wide and flat and move to tighter and bumpier courses.

I also like to make money while I do it. So for F/R cars, I usually go into the F/R seasonal using Eifel, then Deep Forest. Then I look for a race where I can run on Tsukuba.

Then, i'll go to my target track for final fine tuning.
I've been using that one since the last game and also like to use a classic the High Speed Ring one as well it's short and got your basic long run straight away a few tight turns a few not so tight ones it suits me. But ya a track with a lot of varied corners is best for testing but it still does not mean you can use that set up for others tracks not always.
Hey Grand Valley Speedway is the best Track for Track settings because it has all types of coners

Exactly! GVS is my "home" track for tuning! The only disadvantage is that it is very even. That's why I test it always (almost, I'm sometimes too lazy;)) on a bumpy track, like Deep Forest, to check if the tune also works on bumpy circuits.
I like Laguna Seca too. It has flat corners, corners on camber, corners off camber, it has corners with decreasing radius and corners with increasing radius, and even a corner with a double apex. And all in a tidy 90sec package. The only thing it doesn't have is a really high speed corner like a 130R.
Now that I'm doing races with the WSCC I've begun watching the videos of my practices with a more critical eye for what's going on with the car, to see if I'm hitting my turns correctly and help me tune better. Next race is Nurb and in watching the video it lept out at me that this is probably the best track to run to feel and see what your car is doing for a better tune. I know tunes should be track specific, however, the 84 turns of the Nord can give you a great idea of the car itself I think!
Well.... I love the Nurb, but it's bumpier than most tracks, so you'll end up with a soft tune most likely.
Great track for overall balance and control level, but when running anything smooth, you'll want to stiffen everything up.
Depends what you are tuning, if its the trans then ssr7, daytona or indy, if it's suspension (which it most likely is) then NURB if you have the time and want to go in depth or if you are short on time but still are looking to be accurate then either LAGUNA SECA or create a wicked MT. ASO track
Burger Ring is king for testing. If you are trying for a quicker test though, GVS or DF combo is close enough.

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