best tuning car for 250,000???

  • Thread starter kiwee
just wondering what you guys out there think is the best tuning car to buy for 250,000?
need to buy a tuning car for a few cups.
thinking of using the '04 wrx sti spec c and just building it up. (sine i already have one).
thanks guys!
the spec c is a great car on its own even without proper settings, however u might want to try the motorsport elise and max it out (its in the classics of lotus, in case u miss it like me =p).
There are some good tuner cars out there like the Carbon R but what i would (which is a lot cheaper) is mod out a used car like a wrx sti or skyline gtr N1. Then enter the professional series and play the Tuning Car Grand Prix. Win the Option Z Stream, its an incredible car.
i have to admit that the amuse s2000 really gets my blood going. drive it and youll hear why (turn up your speakers a lot). it also handles damn well.
I bought the Mines R34 and the Amuse Carbon-R... im constantly 5-6 seconds faster with the carbon R. That thing stops on a dime... like a motorcycle almost. Disadvantage to its extreme lack of weight is if you happen to hit a jump you've got to deal with the hang time lol