Best VGT Car So Far

  • Thread starter Islaygaz

Best VGT Car So Far

  • Total voters
What is your favorite VGT car added so far and why? Your choice can be based on looks and/or performance.
Circuit de la Sarthe 2013.jpg
Jeez it's a toss up between the BMW and the Aston Martin but due to it's stunning looks and intriguing video, the Aston Martin takes it.
I voted the AMG VGT, first one, and still free if you start a fresh game.
Looks nice, automatic wing like audi/aventador/veyron etc.etc.
Great handling, lots of grip.
And important, lots of tuning can be adde, More then the other vision cars.
The best car for Route X on "like the wind" just full speed without touching brake.

The other vision gt cars look great, but that's it.
Not much engine tuning or LSd settings.EDIT, some of the newer ones have Suspension /gearbox/lsd settings, but still less settings then the AMG VGT
New nissan, no suspension/gearbox/LSD/Engine/Body settings. Yes, add weight and reduce pp/power.

you can change suspension(not height)/Gearbox/LSD/Clutch/Engine tuning+nitro/Weight reduction. EDIT, you can reduce pp to 486pp minimum or max out at 678pp with 1117 HP
That's a lot, comparing to the other VGT's
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I went for Mitsubishi as it is a good all rounder. Aston Martin is a good car but feels heavy and could do with a better turbo
BMW for looks, Aston for overall package and execution. Goes with Aston in the end.

Mitsubishi is the worst IMO. They just put some fender flares on an existing concept car and called it a day (google Mitsubishi XR Concept). I'm a huge fan of the Evo series but they are clearly not focusing on high performance models as a manufacturer right now. Shame.
Well, I watched the VGT videos before playing the events to win them. That being the case I though the Aston was going to be my favorite. I like the looks and the paint options. I like the handling too. But the video for the car set me up for some disappointment.

In the video they talk about choosing the materials for a great interior, so while I don't use interior view (I'm a bumper cam guy), I was looking forward to switching to interior just to check out the choices they made and see how it all looks. To just get greeted with a blank interior was a buzz kill. Though I don't really expect an interior on all these cars, and couldn't care less if they do or not. I only got the expectation from the video, but it was still a bit of a let-down.

And in the video they also talk about getting the sound right, and how great it turned out.......and in the video the sound they have on the car does indeed sound great. Why that sound isn't applied to the car we got in game is beyond me. But not only is it not the sound from the video, it frankly sounds like a 4 cylinder. Weird.
Both the two newest VGT (Aston Martin and Nissan) handle great. But the Nissan is ugly so I'd go for the Aston
Well, I watched the VGT videos before playing the events to win them. That being the case I though the Aston was going to be my favorite. I like the looks and the paint options. I like the handling too. But the video for the car set me up for some disappointment.

In the video they talk about choosing the materials for a great interior, so while I don't use interior view (I'm a bumper cam guy), I was looking forward to switching to interior just to check out the choices they made and see how it all looks. To just get greeted with a blank interior was a buzz kill. Though I don't really expect an interior on all these cars, and couldn't care less if they do or not. I only got the expectation from the video, but it was still a bit of a let-down.

And in the video they also talk about getting the sound right, and how great it turned out.......and in the video the sound they have on the car does indeed sound great. Why that sound isn't applied to the car we got in game is beyond me. But not only is it not the sound from the video, it frankly sounds like a 4 cylinder. Weird.

The Aston will probably get an interior update later, just like the BMW M4. They just probably ran out of time. I agree the sound is as terrible as ever :yuck: It's not like they don't have a better sample already; just copy paste the sound from the One-77 and it would be much better.
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Even though not my favorite, I had to vote for the GTI. Because it's the only finished car. Even though the car is fugly as heck. I would love to have voted for the BMW, but no interior, no deal.

The Aston is beautiful, but all that talk about the interior design, and it didn't get one. Although it's interesting to mention that you can barely see there is actually a very basic interior. the steering wheel and instrument cluster, although as flat and basic as they can get, they are modeled.

The Nissan VGT isn't as ugly as we thought. It's actually a very nice looking car. Even though it drives kinda strange. It feel slower than it actually is.

It is also interesting to point out that all the VGT's so far have an interior depicted in their respective dealership.

Well, I watched the VGT videos before playing the events to win them. That being the case I though the Aston was going to be my favorite. I like the looks and the paint options. I like the handling too. But the video for the car set me up for some disappointment.

In the video they talk about choosing the materials for a great interior, so while I don't use interior view (I'm a bumper cam guy), I was looking forward to switching to interior just to check out the choices they made and see how it all looks. To just get greeted with a blank interior was a buzz kill. Though I don't really expect an interior on all these cars, and couldn't care less if they do or not. I only got the expectation from the video, but it was still a bit of a let-down.

And in the video they also talk about getting the sound right, and how great it turned out.......and in the video the sound they have on the car does indeed sound great. Why that sound isn't applied to the car we got in game is beyond me. But not only is it not the sound from the video, it frankly sounds like a 4 cylinder. Weird.

Well said. Frankly I was also disappointed, but I kind of expected that since I noticed they never really promote the interior in the video, other than the girl talking about the materials and a brief glance during a shot of the designer's model. If the car would have an interior, I'm sure the video would show shots of it.

The sound was another huge let down. In the video it sounded fine, but it was not right since it sounded like a V8. In the game, it has an old sample used since Gran Turismo 2 in the Lotus Elise and Esprit. It kind of sounds like a 4 cylinder or a flatplane V8. they should've at least copy-pasted the sample of the other V12 Astons which sound perfect.
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I love the Nissan, and the VW, and the Mercedes Street Car, and the Aston because you can Rally it.

Very hard to pick a favorite.
So far the Aston Martin is my favourite, however I really wish it had a more rumbly sound like the other Astons in the game. I'm fairly certain however, that out of at least 23 VGT cars left to go, there will be several that I like more. Alpine and Bertone are looking great so far, and I'm sure many of us are waiting with bated breath to see what Lamborghini will do.
I'm fairly certain however, that out of at least 23 VGT cars left to go, there will be several that I like more. Alpine and Bertone are looking great so far, and I'm sure many of us are waiting with bated breath to see what Lamborghini will do.

Yeah I think the Alpine will top every VGT in the game but we will have to wait and see.

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