OMG!!!111 W00t!!!!1111 Kewlest thing I've ever seen in years on the forum!!!!!1111!!
Um - - - - no. Not really. But was that the kind of feedback you're looking for?
It's not like nobody's ever seen a burnout nefore, and it's not like it takes mad skillz to do a burnout. Nevertheless, nearly everyone who's tried one has verbed it up the first time or two, and lost the handle on the front brake while playing with the throttle. Usually when they're stopping the burnout, they let go of the throttle, and let go of the brake at the same time, bike is still running, takes off on them when the tire catches traction, big crash, whatever or whoever is in the way gets hit or hurt.
Dumb thing to do.
This is the biggest "So what?" post I've seen in quite a while.