Best way to level up B-spec

I'm almost getting platinum trophy but i have to get my b-spec level to 40 (now it i 35) soi want to know what is the fastest way to level up excluding 4 or more hours races
which is better?
Run remote races?
create another account and run yours 6 racers?
run offline endurances like 500 indy races?
or run small time offline races?
thank everybody for the help:)
Better to create another account to race all 6 guys in your main account.

I'm not widget racing atm, grab a bunch of people off the remote b-spec thread and add them. Currently earning me a million or so XP and credits a night, and I spend a while each day paying it forward.

Also putting my own bob into 9h suzuka each night nets another million XP.

Been working my way up from 32 since last week, halfway thru 38 now with a few nights off for bob!

Also worth noting that bob doesn't gain experience in remote b-spec so won't gain anything towards air of experience. Dammit. ;)
They get XP but remote racing doesn't add to their career bars.
I made a new driver and left him offline to see if each remote race counted toward the race-days/events total that the career is based on and it doesn't.
Career only seems to advance by going to tracks in A- or B-Spec offline modes.
pretty sure when you collect your prizes/XP your bobs do gain experience.

Sorry, wasn't clear gain experience and b-spec level up. Your bob will also level up, but his career bar never moves still need ~500 offline races for air of experience, though it's spread across all your offline bobs.