Bi-weekly Photo Comp Week #33 - Nature

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Essex, UK

The rules are as follows:

  • Entries will accepted until 11:59pm (GMT) Wednesday 25h September
  • Each competition's voting will last for one week. The winner of that round will choose the next theme.
  • All entries must have been taken within the last 6 months and preferably after the announcement of the theme.
  • Entries must be posted as a thumbnail no larger than 700px on the longest edge. Full sized images may be as larger as you'd like.*
  • You must submit only your own photographs, do not post anyone else's work.
  • Only one photograph per person, marked with Final Entry. You can change your entry, but must remove your current entry first and clearly state that you have posted a new entry.
  • You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another entrant.
  • The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Date and Camera used and, if you'd like, the major camera settings - shutter speed, ISO, etc.

*While full sized images may be as larger as you'd like, you should try to limit them to approximately 1200px to enable viewing the entire image without scrolling. It's much easier to see the full effect of the shot when you can view it all at once and not have to pan.

Current theme, chosen by Week #31 winner ShaolinMasta

Apologies for the delay, I completely forgot what day of the week it was yesterday.
Final Entry

Osprey with a Meal

April 28, 2013
Nikon D7000 with 70-300 ED VR at 300mm
1/250 @ f:20, ISO 200​
Final Entry

The Forest
Canon 5D Mark II ~ Rokinon 8mm F/3.5
31 sec ~ f/3.5 ~ ISO-1600
September 13th, 2013
Final Entry

Life and Death
September 21, 2013
Nikon D200
1/320 - f/4 - ISO 1250

Sorry, I'm late . . . :ouch:

If you hold on for a few minutes longer, I'll throw my entry in.
Uploading even as you read.

Bulk upload taking place so may take a minute or two.

Okay here we go - just a sunflower caught with my Canon A2300 as I passed and found it preparing to spread its seed:

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