Bi-weekly Photo Comp Week #35 - Time

  • Thread starter Solo
Essex, UK

The rules are as follows:

  • Entries will accepted until 11:59pm (GMT) Wednesday 30th October
  • Each competition's voting will last for one week. The winner of that round will choose the next theme.
  • All entries must have been taken within the last 6 months and preferably after the announcement of the theme.
  • Entries must be posted as a thumbnail no larger than 700px on the longest edge. Full sized images may be as larger as you'd like.*
  • You must submit only your own photographs, do not post anyone else's work.
  • Only one photograph per person, marked with Final Entry. You can change your entry, but must remove your current entry first and clearly state that you have posted a new entry.
  • You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another entrant.
  • The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Date and Camera used and, if you'd like, the major camera settings - shutter speed, ISO, etc.

*While full sized images may be as larger as you'd like, you should try to limit them to approximately 1200px to enable viewing the entire image without scrolling. It's much easier to see the full effect of the shot when you can view it all at once and not have to pan.

Current theme, chosen by Week #33 winner Azuremen

time, freezing it or displaying its passage, so high speed or long exposures would both work. A moment or a minute

I'm going to try and keep these polls and entry threads running as regularly as possible on wednesdays however it depends on what uni work I have to do. Therefore it may sometimes be a day late as it is this time. Apologies in advance.
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So guys, no entries after a few weeks of dwindling entry levels. I've just had no time recently for photography. What would the community like to see come of the photography competitions? There is a few options we have:
a) continue running them as they are bi-weekly
b) Run them monthly to give more time for entries each time round
c) stop running the contests.

I really don't want to do option C personally and would rather go for B. I need feedback though from you guys.
For some reason, today is the first time I saw this thread.... Strange.....

I've enjoyed the bi-weekly stuff, and have had no issue participating until very recently. A coupkle of the themes did not interest me, and i just missed on a couple of others.

But somehow i never even saw this one.... I think bi-weekly is good, but let's give this one a little more time???
Recently, I've just not had time, I've neither been out anywhere to expand my 'portfolio', or had the opportunity to get creative at home/work.

Azuremen's topic should be a good one, I can only guess others are as similarly constrained as myself and Solo appears to be, and that's the reason for the lack of entries.

I'm not sure what the best option would be. I'd like to think A.. but I guess it needs entries to support.

As for Time as a topic, I have an idea, but I need to do it at work, and it's messy, so... not the easiest thing to pull off!
I think I'll wait until the last second like an ebay bid to hit reply on my submission. This is my only tactic to win, that is of course, if no one else enters it. :embarrassed:
I'll be honest, I completely forgot about this. I've tried to participate in the past, but there's been a couple of themes where I just don't have anything in the amount of time allotted.

I think option B would be the best bet. Maybe make it into a monthly thing to give people more time? That would give people more opportunities to take pictures and choose from what they have, though I guess continuing in current format would be fine too.
Well, It was as a tester for the original shot I wanted to do, but I'm going to submit it for now. The unusual crop is because I wanted the clarity in the water to be evident.

I went for the moment in time end of the spectrum.


"Gettin' the floor wet after 28 attempts..."
EOS-60D with 50mm Prime (EF-S), 1/2500, f2.8, ISO-1250, mf, 2×1500W cool-lites
October '13
At work - since that's where the lights are.
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^^^ Very cool moment in time MatskiMonk! Not sure why I'm evening trying's my submission. :)

A little of both. Water in motion but a boulder that has been frozen in time, suspended by the gorge carved out by the water from the glaciers above.

Final Entry

Nikon 7100 | 1/1500 | 140mm | f 7.1 | ISO-800
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^I thought it was... does it really suck that bad and should remove it now and try to save what little dignity I have left? :embarrassed:
So are those, like final entries? :)

Yeah, I think mine will have to be final. The original idea was to have a teaspoon of blue printers ink in the glass when the water hit's it - so there's kind of a colour expolsion going on! If I knew I'd get it first time, I'd do it... but I won't so it will make way too much mess. Also I was hoping for more clarity, but I can't get any more light on it, the apertures already bigger than I wanted, and the ISO much higher than I'd normally go for.

^I thought it was... does it really suck that bad and should remove it now and try to save what little dignity I have left? :embarrassed:

Ha, don't do that, I don't wanna choose a theme, knowing me it will be the one that finally kills off the BWPC!
I'll give this one another week. And then the next theme will last for a fortnight again to see how we do for entries and if it is struggling I will then move to monthly competitions.

Get snapping!
My comment was because the first time I looked at them, they didn't have the "Final Entry" note.....

I was not criticizing and asking for better. :)