Bi-weekly Photo Comp Week #46 - Juxtaposition

  • Thread starter Solo
Essex, UK

The rules are as follows:

  • Entries will accepted until 11:59pm (GMT) Wednesday 16th April
  • Each competition's voting will last for one week. The winner of that round will choose the next theme.
  • All entries must have been taken within the last 6 months and preferably after the announcement of the theme.
  • Entries must be posted as a thumbnail no larger than 700px on the longest edge. Full sized images may be as larger as you'd like.*
  • You must submit only your own photographs, do not post anyone else's work.
  • Only one photograph per person, marked with Final Entry. You can change your entry, but must remove your current entry first and clearly state that you have posted a new entry.
  • You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another entrant.
  • The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Date and Camera used and, if you'd like, the major camera settings - shutter speed, ISO, etc.

*While full sized images may be as larger as you'd like, you should try to limit them to approximately 1200px to enable viewing the entire image without scrolling. It's much easier to see the full effect of the shot when you can view it all at once and not have to pan.

Current theme as chosen by week 44 winner, Crash:
I'll add a definition of this to help elaborate, the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effects. Also apologies for being a little late, moving out of university halls this week has taken up quite a bit of my time.
@Solo I think your explaination would work better if you post an example picture. It's a little unclear to me now.

Thanx in advance
I just googled the them + photography and I think the definition is a contrast not in colors but in subject. like old-young, past-present, black-white and good-evil. If that's the case i would like to post this picture.


This picture was shot in a village called "Doel" it's a small town near Antwerpen, Belgium. The Villagers were forced to move out of Doel because the harbour of Antwerpen needed to extend, however it never did and left this almost
completely abandoned village. ( I believe the's still one family living there) I shot this picture because of the contrast between the very explicit graffiti which is very dark and in front the playground. Very contrasting vibes I think. I chose this composition from the shooters point of view. If he had shot the man in the graffiti he would also have killed the innocent child.


Canon 600D - IS 18-55 mm Canon @ 42mm- F5.0 - 1/250 - ISO 100

Current theme as chosen by week 44 winner, Crash:

I'll add a definition of this to help elaborate, the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effects.

To break it down further - juxtaposition, in Art, generally means items (or diverse subject matter) placed together in proximity that the items set each other off in some manner, either visually, or contextually.
It's sort of like putting stuff to together that seems related yet not close enough to be a group of the same thing.

A bowl of oranges, with an apple to the side.
A playground set off by violent graffiti.
A moon and star.
A knife and a gun.
A cross and a switchblade
Complementary colors.
Opposing shapes, heights, perspectives.
Symbols of riches accented by an object of poverty.
Lovers kissing while a murder takes place in the background.
And so on . . . .

Right, Crash? Eh? Eh?
@photonrider, I think you got it, along with Solo's explanation in the original post. I enjoy well done contrasting things and I've seen some black and white or color contrast themes before, but this time, I wanted to focus on contrast in the subject or message depicted. Of course, since I didn't bound the juxtaposition theme, as I didn't want to limit the possible subject matter, I think anything that can be reasonably interpreted as such and essentially fitting in Solo's original description would work.

Tell you all what though. This theme is hard. I went out, walked around and tried to capture some image that would fit the theme, and I had a really hard time coming up with anything. Geez, seriously, what kind of oaf would come up with such a theme in the first place anyways?
I've been giving this some thought, I have a landscape shot in mind, but I need to find the right vantage point (preferably without tresspassing :lol: )
Right, as I'm away this week and entries are low I'm leaving it open 'til next Wednesday (23rd) in hope of a few more entries.
Final Entry


Cherry Blossoms on Concrete
iPhone 4s
Some settings I don't know because it's an iPhone, how do these things work?
April 25th, 2014
Yeah I'd left it open a week extra already and seeing as nothing more came back to me I just started up the next one. If @GTP_Dutchy does not get back to me about a theme you can have the choice @Azuremen.
Sorry this theme was so hard. Even I failed to find anything good to submit... :(