Bi-weekly Photo Comp Week #50 - Cityscape/Street

  • Thread starter TB


Space Lord
United States
Downtown North Dakota

The rules are as follows:

  • Entries will accepted until 11:59pm (GMT) Wednesday 25th June
  • Each competition's voting will last for one week. The winner of that round will choose the next theme.
  • All entries must have been taken within the last 6 months and preferably after the announcement of the theme.
  • Entries must be posted as a thumbnail no larger than 700px on the longest edge. Full sized images may be as larger as you'd like.*
  • You must submit only your own photographs, do not post anyone else's work.
  • Only one photograph per person, marked with Final Entry. You can change your entry, but must remove your current entry first and clearly state that you have posted a new entry.
  • You must not vote for your own photograph when the Poll is up. Only vote for a photograph taken by another entrant.
  • The photograph must be submitted with the following information: Subject, Date and Camera used and, if you'd like, the major camera settings - shutter speed, ISO, etc.

*While full sized images may be as larger as you'd like, you should try to limit them to approximately 1200px to enable viewing the entire image without scrolling. It's much easier to see the full effect of the shot when you can view it all at once and not have to pan.

Current theme as chosen by week 47 winner, @Cale:
Cityscape/Street photography. Any picture taken in or of a city.
This has been sitting here for a while. I've racked my brain trying to think of something, I don't generally shoot city-type stuff, street shots, like that. But today I went on a lunch walk with the express purpose of trying to find something. This garage door caught my eye. Do NOT block this guy's access!!

Final Entry

June 27, 2014
Nikon D7000, 18-55 kit lens at 43mm, 1/125 at f:10 (shutter priority) and ISO 100
Eh yeah I've got nothing. I chose the theme since I was planning a couple days in Boston, but ended up in basically the opposite of a city.
Oh wait, this happened already? I'm sure I've got something laying around...


Final Entry

Canon EOS M ~ Canon EF-M 22mm F/2
2 seconds ~ f/5.6 ~ ISO-200
June 2, 2014
Last edited:
Is it still open?


City Culture

EXIF data
Nikon D40X
0.002 sec (1/500)
22 mm
ISO 400
April 26, 2014

FYI, I uploaded it through my magazine's Flickr, hence the difference in name.
Can't believe I'm going to miss this one; it's one of the things I like to shoot most. :ouch:
Final Entry

April 13, 2014
Nikon D200
1/350 - f/5.6 - ISO 100
Last edited:
A little over-size there, Crash... Still waiting for it to load as I type this reply....

Ah! There is it!!!!
My bad, I just uploaded the full image as the thumbnail is too small. I won't be able to resize it until later tonight, but if this thread is still open then, I will edit my post so the picture is smaller.