(dont forget best buy)
the US is probably stupider than corrupt...we elected our presedent beacuse his daddy, and a man whore who cant make up his mind said we should. We base our society on computers, but most people cant figure out where to plug the mouse in (even when theres a little picture of a mouse on the side). The most popular form of transportation is a 'sport' utility vehilce...A.K.A. the biggest slowest waste of *bleep*. We are even so stupid that we cant cuss, but say *BLEEP*!! and the radio bleeps out the word 'green' and '45' beacuse it refers to drugs and a weapon...but then the next song a chick saying "*****" about 30 times in a row UNBLEEPED!!
we file a lawsuit against copywrite infringment, then go home and download movies that arent in theaters yet...we cant handle have two internet messengers, so we download one that has 4 and sign up for them beacuse you can...we regester for 20 free mail accounts, then use the one our ISP gives us...we should answer the phone "Hello, please send me an email, goodbye...click"...and then we leave instructions on our answering machines on how to wait for a beep...we have so much porno on our computers that we need to buy another hard drive to fill with more movies we wont watch more than twice...a night...I just got an error saying "Warning: operation completed successfully" dont ya just looove windows?! and we were ganna split it up!! could we ask for MORE faulty software with "MacroHard Doors" plastered all over it?! Oh I know!! Then we can have 2 computers that can give EACHOTHER errors!!
AND dont you call me anti-patriotic!!