bry56So, I haven't seen this done, but I figured id give it a try. Here's how it works:
You send any 1 birthday ticket to enter.
Pick a number from 1-20
I will draw the number when all 20 spots are filled.
Winner gets 10 birthday tickets.
All spots are currently open.
locoman88Cool! What tickets are you looking for, and what tickets will I receive?
locoman88Wait. You have all tickets?1
bry56All BIRTHDAY tickets.
Djtim5 ?:-)
Djtim5 ?:-)
Also, I have tickets spread amongst several accounts, so, chances are, I can send all birthday tickets in one day, instead of 10 days.
locoman88You have level 21 ticket?
JK83You know you need 10 PS3 for that?
locoman88oh... but you cant send all ten tickets at same time then,right?
BJBEOSmittySending the winner his/her 10 tickets on ten consecutive nights would be fine, no? I'm a little confused why a ticket needs to be sent as an entry if you have all the birthday tickets?
Would it be a better option to have all good traders/reliable gifters enter in some way... And after the winner is drawn, they each send him/her the ticket individually - the winner receives them all in one day?
I'm up for participating by the way, I have a 71, a 69 and a 67.
BJBEOSmittyFair enough.
To enter we send you a ticket, and pick a number between 1 and 20? You might want to update which numbers are available at the moment. I'm not sure if the numbers selected on the first page were official entries? Borrowing a thought from some other great contest/giveaway threads... Listing possible entries in the first post and editing it to include the names assigned to them as the thread grows and grows is a nice way to do it.
My schedule is booked for he next 6 days with gifts from the giveaway thread so i won't be able to get entered right away, unfortunately. When I do, I'll go with a 69 or 67 ticket to help sweeten the pot a bit.
s0ul_chickenYep, for the ten he sends out, 10 he gets to keep. 19 people lose a ticket - sounds more like gambling rather than a raffle.
So far there are no entries.
If you want to trash talk my thread...
BJBEOSmittySorry my friend... you're doing a fine job of it already.
As for drag racing... 1/4 mile for S0ul_Chicken and you have to race, what, 1/8th? Unless he gives you a ticket?
You keeping 10 tickets is absolute garbage imo. Give out a second AND a third place perhaps. I could TRADE 5 tickets for 5 other desireable tickets, and control which ones I receive instead of letting you pick from your pile sir. On second thought, I will enter 10 times to get your contest rolling, but with Level tickets. 10 Level 1 tickets coming...
Oh... and check the math... 9 entries out of 20 does NOT equal "chances are you will win".
So you give one ticket for the possibility of getting 10. And there's no limit. So, you can get 9 spots and chances are you will win and come out with ten. If you want to trash talk my thread, I'd love to drag race you sometime.