Black Screen during game??

  • Thread starter notsofast
I was playing GT4 on the weekend and was attempting the top speed trial at the test track. So I went to exit the top speed trial and instead of taking me back to where you pick what test you want to (0-400m, 1000m and top speed) the screen went black and after waiting for several minutes I decided to reset my PS2 because nothing was happening. And the flashing circle didn't appear either during loading from one screen to another. Would it be the disc or the console? Has anyone had this happen to them? I've had both since GT4 came out so they're getting on in years- could it be just age?
Probably just a glitch, how long did you have your playstation runing?

I have a old slim that didn't play GT4 until yesterday(i had been useing a newer one)

now it plays GT4 fine, sometimes it glitchs when I run the game for more than 4+ hours...(always in the loading screen though)
I had it on for an hour or two, in the past I've had my PS2 running for more then 24hrs for nurburgring 24hr race and I never had this problem. The disc has been scratched up a bit- its been played countless times, maybe its just that.
I had this happen last night to me. I was getting ready to call it a night and backed out of a practice run. The screen faded out, and didn't return.

I have had it happed from time to time. Why it happens, couldn't tell ya. It usually happens with a diffrent car each time.
Do other games still play on your system? Do they ever black out too?

It only happens in GT4. It usually happens when I exit from one of the tests (400m, 1000m and top speed). I can't remember it happening with any other races or tracks. Its just a bit odd that it happens there and not else where. :confused:
This might or might not help. :confused: I remember back in my GT2 days when I originally had a version 1.0 of the GT2 disc. This disc was highly glitchy. Lost cars after doing Max Speed tests, game freezes right in the middle of a race, and all the other typical 1.0 problems.

And in between menus, the screen would occasionally go black. :mad: And that was it, nothing else would happen until I restarted the PS1. :banghead:

Not long after this, I decided to try a brand-new Greatest Hits (1.2) version. Never had any probs after this. I'm just saying this might be what's happening with your disc. Maybe, maybe not.
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This might or might not help. :confused: I remember back in my GT2 days when i originally had a version 1.0 of the GT2 disc. This disc was highly glitchy. Lost cars after doing Max Speed tests, game freezes right in the middle of a race, and all the other typical 1.0 problems.

And in between menus, the screen would occasionally go black. :mad: And that was it, nothing else would happen until i restarted the PS1. :banghead:

Not long after this, i decided to try a brand-new Greatest Hits (1.2) version. Never had any probs after this. I'm just saying this might be what's happening with your disc. Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe all I have to do is get a new disc-its probably a good idea, its getting on in age and I can hear it skipping inside my PS2.

Is this with all slims because I just got a slim:scared:

Mines a slim. But I'm pretty sure it's not the console, this problem only happens with GT4 and no other games. :) I wouldn't worry if I were you.

Thanks for the advice everyone!! :)
I ment to ask, does it always happen with the same car? I had that problem with an Esprit SE that I was working on.

I didn't matter where I took it, as soon as I backed out of a track or race the screen would to blank . . . and never return.

I ended up selling the car and didn't have that problem for a while.

Now it only happens randomly with diffrent cars. I think its because I mash the buttons in order to get back to the main menu, not letting the other screens load up properly.
i might possibly going off topic but people usually reset the playstation when the red circle appears but what you should do is open the disc cover and keep doing that untill you hear it spinning and leave it (the red spinny thingy should still be there) and it will load. good for people that have completed a really hard race =] hope it helped!

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