Black Widow at my House!

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
Just of the front steps of my house I noticed it. Kind of creepy and cool and the same time.

Fun Facts
  • Black Widow is considered the most venomous spider in North America.
  • The venom of the black widow spider is 15 times as toxic as the venom of the prairie rattlesnake.
  • Black Widow spiders are not usually deadly, especially to adults, because they inject only a small amount of venom.
  • Only the female Black Widow is venomous; males and juveniles are harmless..
  • The female Black Widow hangs belly upward and rarely leaves the web.
  • The Black Widow is also called the "hourglass" or "shoe-button" spider.
  • Araneae is the Latin word for spider.
  • More than 35,000 spider species of spiders occur in the world. Of these, about 3,400 species in 64 families are found in North America.


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They're actually quite common around where I live, I usually squash 'em. 👍
Aren't they poisonous or something? I used to love catching and collecting insects. I could never learn to love spiders and roaches. :yuck:
Hey Pako, I'd be definitely keeping an eye on your kid there. It's way to easy to lose site of her for 2 seconds and end up having her chase little spidy or want to play with it if she happens to see one. And the bites are NASTY. Totally disgusting. Screws with your nervous system and kills tissue around the site of infection. It kills blood cells too. Very nasty creature.
well ya say that, but the place i work has a hornet infestation, those things can fly ffs!!! and apparently theyr protected so we are not supposed to kill them :scared:
I am definitely getting a bunch of spider traps for the "Hobo" spiders I have in my house as well as local spray that I can hit all around my house. As much as like and respect the black widow, as PS pointed out, their bites are nasty and I don't need little Grace getting bit by one. Still really cool to look at though.

To answer some of the questions:
* It's not an egg, it's lunch.
* This is the only one I've seen in Montana. It's usually too cold for them to survive the winters, which means... :nervous: it will be moving inside soon.
That's cool Pako. I'm not afraid of spiders...
But if I've seen one, I wouldn't be taking pictures of. More likley...jump and step on it 100 times and make sure it's dead. And then take pictures. ;)
I would catch it, just catch a random spider, put them in a closed arena.. They'll fight, for sure.. Did it too many times, ah man, it's hilarious how they fight!!
oh man I hate for that thing to be living anywhere near to my house and the thought of it moving inside for the winter is horrible to think about.

:scared: you'd be all paranoid wondering how and where it could possibly get it and where it would hide its web. :nervous: :scared:
yep im glad i live in England too, i would be scared for the pets not just me, my dog loves to eat spiders and flys. :scared:
Yeah definetely one one of the plus points about england is the lack of dangerous insects, hey i've even had decent weather for over a week where i am!!

I'd kill that thing immediately, are spider bites common?
Spider bites are quite common in our area, although none that I have heard of around here have been fatal or even severe. I have since killed it, and have setup HOBO spider traps throughout the house.
Yep, we have a bunch of those down here in wet hot Florida. Found quite a bit of them throughout my years growing up. Just got to keep your distnace and then take care of it if it poses a threat.
Never seen one myself, but that Spider Arena thing sounded like a good party idea.

I would have trapped it and thrown a firecracker (blackcat) on top of it. I wonder what would have happened?
An Introduction to Camel Spiders
An American Soldier recently stationed in Baghdad was bitten by a Camel Spider which was hiding in his sleeping bag. These spiders have the ability to jump very high and when they latch on to you, you will be injected with a local anesthesia so you can't feel it feeding on you. These spiders don't just suck out your juices like a normal spider, they eat flesh.

Origins of Camel Spiders
Camel spiders, also known as wind spiders, wind scorpions, and sun scorpions, are a type of arthropod found (among other places) in the deserts of the Middle East. They're technically not spiders but solifugae (although, like spiders, they belong to the class Arachnida). Camel spiders are the subject of a variety of legendary claims, many of them familiar to Americans because they were spread by U.S. servicemen who served in the Persian Gulf War in 1991, and re-spread at the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003.

Quick Facts About Camel Spiders
Camel spiders can grow to be as large as dinner plates.
Camel spiders can traverse desert sand at speeds up to 25 MPH, making screaming noises as they run.
Camel spiders can jump several feet in the air.
Camel spiders eat the stomachs of camels, hence the name "camel spider." (Legend includes the detail that camel spiders eat camel stomachs from either the outside in or the inside out. In the former case they supposedly jump up from the ground and grab onto camels' bellies from underneath; in the latter case exactly how spiders allegedly as large as dinner plates get into camels' stomachs intact remains unexplained.)
Camel spiders are venomous, and their venom contains a powerful anesthetic that numbs their victims (thus allowing them to gnaw away at living, immobilized animals without being noticed). U.S. soldiers were said to have been attacked by camel spiders at night but remained completely unaware of their plight until they awakened in the morning to find chunks of their flesh missing.

:nervous: :nervous: :scared: :nervous: :nervous: :ill:
