
  • Thread starter Tweepent
Apologize if this has been asked and answered...

I'm sitting about six feet away from a Samsung 46" 1080p television utilizing hdmi cables from my PS3 to play shift... Sometimes I have problems identifying cars that are slightly in the distance and it feels like the game blurs out on occasion (for example the Nurburgring F1 circuit looks great in the cut-away before the race starts and then washed away when I get behind the cockpit).

Am I doing something wrong with the settings, is there something I can do to increase the sharpness of the graphics? I'm resigned to the fact that the super crisp visuals shown in previews were obviously from the PC version but I wonder if anyone else is having this issue?

On a humorous note: AI is great, I was so furious I almost tried to throw my DFGT, good thing it's clamped down. Thanks guys
EDIT: I realize that the GT5 visuals are spoiling me...
I assume you mean other than the intentional helmet-cam blur? I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary on my PS3. If I'm unable to identify a car at a "reasonable" distance it's only because it has a wacky body kit on it.
I actually turned off the helmet cam blur... Couldn't handle not controlling where the head went; Guiness may have attributed somewhat to the aformentioned problem. But yeah, other than the helmet cam.
...I wonder if anyone else is having this issue?
Yes, the drawing distance and general visibility ahead could be better. I've found that on some tracks the road and cars ahead just disappears in a fog or a pixel-porridge. This is on a PS3 BTW.

EDIT: I realize that the GT5 visuals are spoiling me...
That's indeed one of GT5 strengths: great visibility.


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