.bmp in XP Problem

  • Thread starter Joey D

Joey D

United States
Lakes of the North, MI
GTP Joey
Well I got my new computer and Windows XP came on it. I HATE IT. but anyway everytime I get a .bmp or .art file off the net, then goto open it it says "Invaild File Type" is there anyway to change the type the picture is? I've tryed a converter and that didn't work. Now what do I do???
yeah that ****s me too. i dunno why it does that but now i always copy and paste the picture into photoshop and save it as whatever i want.

if you dont have photoshop, use paint.
the paint program in the accessories will change the format for you. You can also right click the file and change what program handles the Extension (in XP, other OS' it's slightly more complicated, and too much typing ;))
Hmm..I tried opening in them in paint but it still didn't work. I asked my friend who knows wayto much about computers. He's going to help me out this weekend. I'll let you know what I find out. I'll post how to fix this problem when my friend tells me how to.