I bought one from used car dealership, done about 1300 km. I have washed it and given it an oil change.
Willing to trade for something, preferably a race of sorts. If you have something else, I may be interested!
bought for about 996 000 Cr
I can give you a falcon gt-r '04 race car for it?
how much is it worth and heow much HP?
i suppose i could give u my beloved 905,hate gettin rid of it but im finished wit it.some sort of race car, like maybe R10, 908. Can't think of many on the top of my head, but if you've got a race car or something interesting, i'll consider.
how much is it worth and how much HP?
its worth 20,000,000,its the older and better version of the 908, look it up on google if u wanna have look at it. peugeot 905 race car.
ya no problem, anytime roughly?so i know when to b on?thats a good offer. I'll only be on my PS3 by tonight, so i'll PM you by then
maybe by about 7-8pm
ok cool i added u on psn anyway so ill see when ur online, talk to u then bud.its about 4pm