BoB practice.

Do you want to see this in GT?

  • If so, then how do you think it should be implemented? And how many of your BoBs should participate

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Should it be delayed for a future game

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • If not, then why shouldn't it be implemented?

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
Charleston, SC
that's classified
This was just an idea that I had.

As we know, getting BoBs to drive correctly is a bit of a pain sometimes.

Some factors may include, the player's direction/misdirection of BoB, car setup, course conditions, mental and physical strength, and temperment.

To help your BoB learn how to drive the car, I'm suggesting a b-spec practice mode. Before we get into mass arguments about a-spec and whatnot, this thread is about helping your BoBs get used to a particular car/track.

I want to know your opinion on this. How can it be implemented? Or, why shouldn't it be implemented?
Bobs AI is Fixed From the DAY of creation.
Bobs stats can be recycled untill the Exact stats return for another bob.
The stats for creating bob are not random they are Presets.
Which preset stats you get is random but they do repeat.

Bobs does not learn any thing from driving.
Bob will be the same skill level no matter were he drives.
Bobs increase in stats is a Fixed bonus increase per level.

This decides his skills for level 40. You have no input after his creation to controll his stat levels.

Practice is the easy early levels. On the job leveling up in FF & AWD cars, That's what they are for. Thats why these races have POP ups telling you what each button does.
You will have FIRED practice bob and built a High Stat driver as a replacement after learning that they can be fired...

When you get in to remote racing, you won't care about winning youll care about finding the best driver to finish higher even with lower power car and get more prize money and may be a trophy from a championship.
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Useful if you want to arrive at a usable setup/tune for Bob. Take the Historic Cup race for instance. I used the Toyota 7. It would have been nice to use a B-Spec practice mode to find a setup with strong steering at Monaco. As it is, you have to use the actual race ...and tweak the setup based on losses (like I was forced to). This affects the Bobs stats and for me, that matters.

GT4 allowed me to use practice mode to get good setups for Bob. Take Tsukuba as an example - given a standard non-tuned car the GT4 Bob would inevitably understeer off the track on that last sweeper. Using practice mode I fixed this for many cars (apart from the R6, Cobra and AC cars). It would have been nice if GT5 allowed the samething.

But as things are, I agree that there would be no benefit for the Bobs themselves ...B-Spec Practice for the purposes of Bob-education would be useless. The game was not built like that.