Bomb Threat

  • Thread starter miata13B
United States
2 smacks past uranus
I'm at work today, U.S. eastern standard time - at around 1:30pm three cop cars pull up to the front of the building. Next thing the grounds keeper is bringing a box out to the front of the building and laying it down. He gets reemed out for doing this. The team that I am on, we're all looking out the window and suddenly the fire alaram goes off right after I said, "We shouldbe evacuating the building right now!" Apperently there was a phone call to an account called sunbeam that deals with warranties and tech support for toasters, saying they were sending back a humidifier or toaster with a bomb in it! 4 hours later and a blown up humidifier thanks to the bomb squad I am back inside working again. This whole fiasco is costing me money at this point. Working sales for Dell you don't get paid that much with out making sales. A waste of a day in my eyes.
yeah, I mean if it was real, thank goodness, but it wasn't. Oh well better to live then the alternative.
There is always tomorrow to make up for the money lost. You might get a huge sale. Do you guys ever go after school districts?
Not me. A buddy of mine has his own store and he makes more money on those than he does selling individual units. The service kills him though.
Hey I heard about this on the news, I forgot you worked over there Miata13b! Glad everything worked out. Sorry you lost money though.
it is all good Magic. We saw the helicopters in the air, but man, no news coverage on the net when we got back in. It was a bummer. No worries I made up pretty well today after work. But, seriously look how close to home these things get. I bet you if they catch this dude or lady for doing this they, he or she will be put on trail for treason and being a terrorist. I am waiting for the next J Edgar Hoover to appear in America where he can simply point at someone yell Terrorist and that is the last we ever see of that person including the family and extended family.