Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
Terrorists like cameras because they help spread news of the attack much more quickly. If this bombing was done with an agenda, they wanted it very visible.

As with the 9/11 attacks. What's the most visible target in the world? That? Let's hit it. There are often dozens of cameras pointed at the WTC at any time of the day.


Thoughts go out to all the injured and the dead. What a senseless, terrible waste.
You mean to say some of the camera views we got were set up by terrorists? :confused:

Well, the terrorists want their actions to be seen. They chose an area that was highly populated that had plenty of cameras set up by various outside sources like news networks and other media. I was trying to get at that the responsible parties had intentions of their acts be caught on tape.
The speculation in this thread. Tin foil hats up, people!

Yea. I don't claim to know exactly who is guilty. It doesn't matter what race/gender/ethnicity these monsters are. Justice needs to be done.
Yea. I don't claim to know exactly who is guilty. It doesn't matter what race/gender/ethnicity these monsters are. Justice needs to be done.

Well said. 👍
Terrible news to wake up to this morning. My thoughts go out to all of those affected.
Yea. I don't claim to know exactly who is guilty. It doesn't matter what race/gender/ethnicity these monsters are. Justice needs to be done.

Well, the terrorists want their actions to be seen. They chose an area that was highly populated that had plenty of cameras set up by various outside sources like news networks and other media. I was trying to get at that the responsible parties had intentions of their acts be caught on tape.

Ah, I see. I didn't understand exactly what you meant before.

EDIT: Although considering there was a bomb at the library, the last place you'd expect to find many cameras, that does somewhat undermine your hypothesis.
I know this is slightly going off on a tangent, but my Facebook feed is full of people posting this. Yet, today, in Iraq bombs killed at least 31 people and injured more than 200. What makes that any different? Because it happens in Iraq? Death is death no matter how you put it, all this attention from Boston is making me question the media's priorities.
I know this is slightly going off on a tangent, but my Facebook feed is full of people posting this yet, today, in Iraq bombs killed at least 31 people and injured more than 200. What makes that any different? Because it happens in Iraq? Death is death no matter how you put it, all this attention from Boston is making me question the media's priorities.

Because this one is scarier to Americans and other westerners.
I know this is slightly going off on a tangent, but my Facebook feed is full of people posting this. Yet, today, in Iraq bombs killed at least 31 people and injured more than 200. What makes that any different? Because it happens in Iraq? Death is death no matter how you put it, all this attention from Boston is making me question the media's priorities.

Valid point. I'm sure the Iraqi media is covering the bombings in Iraq more than the Boston marathon bombing as well.
Thats Very true the media only air what they want the people to know not what they need to know

Honestly everyone has bias. Without it, the world would be boring. Sad thing is: no amount of facts or opinions bring back the individuals who lost his/her lives whether the bombings be in Boston or Baghdad.
I know this is slightly going off on a tangent, but my Facebook feed is full of people posting this. Yet, today, in Iraq bombs killed at least 31 people and injured more than 200. What makes that any different? Because it happens in Iraq? Death is death no matter how you put it, all this attention from Boston is making me question the media's priorities.

Do you cry when a strangers grandma dies? Or just when your own dies?

I'll just quote Pupik and be done with it...

Then go make a thread about it, we're not stopping anyone, and I'm not taking joy in it, either.
I was just pointing out the fact of how people prioritize things - "what people want to hear"

No, you're trying to point that out so you can appear to be more intelligent and worldly than all the plebians who are outpouring grief and support for the Boston victims.
[Update, 10:41 p.m. ET] A law enforcement source in Boston tells CNN that investigators have a "number of active leads, and some good early progress in the forensics analysis."
Ken Koios
[Update, 10:41 p.m. ET] A law enforcement source in Boston tells CNN that investigators have a "number of active leads, and some good early progress in the forensics analysis."

Good to hear.
I know were are done with NK here but before I realized what had happened (walked into my house, dad had it on TV, NBC Breaking News, odd time of day unless it's something major), for a small amount of time I actually thought somewhere we had been nuked given recent tensions.

Ok I'm done.
However, on a bit of a down note:

[Update, 10:52 p.m. ET] The total of injured has risen to 144 people, officials at Boston area hospitals said. That includes three additional patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

[Update, 10:07 p.m. ET] Dr. Peter Fagenholz told reporters that there were 29 wounded people at Massachusetts General Hospital, eight of whom were in critical condition. Many of the people had shrapnel injuries to their lower extremites, he said.

"We have performed several amputations," he said.

There were no pediatric patients among the wounded, he said.

[Update, 9:38 p.m. ET] Dr. Allan Panter, who was near the finish line waiting for his wife who was running the race, told CNN he was standing about 20 to 25 feet from the first blast. He said he treated victims on the street after the explosion.

"I saw at least six to seven people down next to me," he said. "They protected me from the blast. One lady expired. One gentleman lost both his (lower) limbs. Most of the injuries were lower extremities. I could not figure out why the young lady had expired. I could not find any injury on her thorax."

I really do not like that word when referring to a person.
Nor do I. It's just to........... uncaring and distant.
Complaining about a doctor, who helped victims at the scene, because he used a word you don't like...


What if it was your grandma he was referring to... just a different perspective I guess.