Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon April 15th

  • Thread starter Spagetti69
Complaining about the words of a doctor, who helped victims at the scene...


I like that he helped out. I do not like his word choice, espeically in this type of situation. He could have least said passed away or something a little lighter than "Oh that girl expired". Wut
If he had put his life at risk to try to save hers, I don't care which words he chose to describe her passing.

No doubts he's a hero. I would think a doctor could come up with something better to say.
My take, (for what its worth)

People have been blasted in this thread for not sounding compassionate towards the victims. Then we blast a a word that doesn't sound compassionate to the victims, and were blasted for it. Did I get that right?

Obviously, the compassion isn't as important as people slandering each other on the internets.

EDIT: I understand his use of the a medical exam. But the man sounded like a machine in the face of a tragedy. I just can't believe this argument even started. Please just stop.
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Expired is clinically accurate for someone who passes while under medical treatment. The guy was a doctor, his word usage makes sense.

I hadn't heard the doctor story though, pretty amazing when you think that just him being in the right place at the right time could have saved someone's life. Although I know stories like this aren't uncommon, we get news stories through our internal news network of clinicians in our system that have helped people everywhere from the shopping mall to the golf course to the side of the road. It makes me feel good knowing that clinicians just aren't in it for money, but that they really do want to help people when they need it the most.
No doubts he's a hero. I would think a doctor could come up with something better to say.

What can you say really though. I mean no words really can be a perfect match for things like this.

Hero maybe. But it is people like that when chaos strikes instead of running away they come and help there fellow man. Not saying it is wrong to run and get out or harms way. Just saying that's true caring at its best.
What can you say really though. I mean no words really can be a perfect match for things like this.

Hero maybe. But it is people like that when chaos strikes instead of running away they come and help there fellow man. Not saying it is wrong to run and get out or harms way. Just saying that's true caring at its best.

Thank you. 👍
Well, it didn't take long from these nutjobs..


Really, WBC?:grumpy::irked:
What can you say really though. I mean no words really can be a perfect match for things like this.

Hero maybe. But it is people like that when chaos strikes instead of running away they come and help there fellow man. Not saying it is wrong to run and get out or harms way. Just saying that's true caring at its best.

He reacted to the best of his abilities. I'm not sure what I would do put in the same spot.

Edit: wbc: come on man!!!!
Take that Westboro trash out of this thread, you're giving them what they want. They don't even actually go picket most funerals these days, they just say so so they can get free media coverage and promotion.
Cry a river, then build a bridge and get over it. This is a medical term used by a medical professional who probably has a million times the emotional investment in the victims of this attack than you do.

I guess I just don't understand how out of all of this you pick out a single, insignificant word to complain about. Wut indeed.

Complaining about the words of a doctor, who helped victims at the scene...


Complaining about the word expired? Oh brother, vs. any of you who actually did anything and cared more?

All we said is we didn't like the word. Just our opinion. What's the big deal. Nowhere did we bash his actions nor his heroism. We didn't hate the word, nor really his use of it, just it's overall meaning giving the context of death. Not the bombings, not the sadness. Jst death in general. It's a cold term to describe any death of any type or time We felt the word was cold, everybody thought it was fine. Opinion vs. Opinion. Who's right, who's wrong. Who cares.

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What they want is irrelevant. What they get is negative attention.

Oh my god, my head's on a swivel.

People will never get this at large. Jesus.

And you guys arguing about one word, so petty, come on.
He reacted to the best of his abilities. I'm not sure what I would do put in the same spot.

Edit: wbc: come on man!!!!

Yeah. And same here.

@the person that posted up the WBC's comment.
Yeah I am sick of hearing about that hate group. I even signed a petition to name them as a hate group. Which all they are doing is starving media attention. They have no respect for anyone other than themselves. And i don't even care about them.

Anyway... So how many confirmed injuries/deaths now? Anymore developments on the man held by police that was considered a person of interest?

I turned it off. I figured by tomorrow afternoon everything would be gathered. So i would look into it then
All we said is we didn't like the word. Just our opinion. What's the big deal. Nowhere did we bash his actions nor his heroism. We didn't hate the word, nor really his use of it, just it's overall meaning giving the context of death. Not the bombings, not the sadness. Jst death in general. It's a cold term to describe any death of any type or time We felt the word was cold, everybody thought it was fine. Opinion vs. Opinion. Who's right, who's wrong. Who cares.


Someone who gets it....


Have you guys seen this yet? It popped up on my FB so I'm not sure of it's legitamcay or it's original source but I figured I'd pass it along.

I would argue that the people who decided to complain about a medical professional's word choice for being too "uncaring" are the ones making mountains out of mole hills.
Oh my god, my head's on a swivel.

People will never get this at large. Jesus.

Wbc has been outspoken long enough for the vast majority of people to realize how insane they are, so they are only really making bigger (insert word) out of themselves anyway whether we put their "information" :yuck: on here or not imo.
Anyway... So how many confirmed injuries/deaths now? Anymore developments on the man held by police that was considered a person of interest?

3 and 144. No updates on the man in custody. No news, really. It's come to a media stand still. I mean, check out CNN's laetst update:

[Update, 11:35 p.m. ET] Saudi ambassador to the United States Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir condemned the bombings in Boston and offered his condolences to victims' families.

“What occurred today in Boston is a heinous crime which contradicts the values of humanity.” he said.

I would argue that the people who decided to complain about a medical professional's word choice for being too "uncaring" are the ones making mountains out of mole hills.

Because we didn't the fight, just stood up for our ability to speak our mind. Anyways, a mountain has been made. Ooooo, ahhhh, it's a pretty mountain. Let's move on.
Have you guys seen this yet? It popped up on my FB so I'm not sure of it's legitamcay or it's original source but I figured I'd pass it along.

I read somewhere earlier (but can't find it now Found it) that runners had to be 18 to participate, which makes that picture a disgusting reach out for likes/shares/retweets/whatever.
And no, I am not about to waste bandwidth on the marathon website to check the eligibility criteria.
Someone who gets it....


Have you guys seen this yet? It popped up on my FB so I'm not sure of it's legitamcay or it's original source but I figured I'd pass it along.

Can you please use that Google thing before posting random crap you see on facebook?(It's even FREE!!!) I doubt a young girl that ran a charity 5K 455 miles from Boston would make a trip to run a race in Boston for some kids in Connecticut.

Edit: Plus as Barra said, you have to be 18 to run.
I know were are done with NK here but before I realized what had happened (walked into my house, dad had it on TV, NBC Breaking News, odd time of day unless it's something major), for a small amount of time I actually thought somewhere we had been nuked given recent tensions.

Ok I'm done.
If we had been nuked, you would have known about it easily; Boston would no longer exist.
And unfortunately, a nuke from North Korea would likely target a city on the West Coast, not Boston.
I read somewhere earlier (but can't find it now Found it) that runners had to be 18 to participate, which makes that picture a disgusting reach out for likes/shares/retweets/whatever.
And no, I am not about to waste bandwidth on the marathon website to check the eligibility criteria.
The 8 year old who died was also a boy. What low lifes taking advantage of this tragedy to get likes & shares. :ouch:
-- The conditions of eight patients at Boston Children's Hospital ranged from good to serious Monday night.
-- The patients include:
A 9-year-old girl with leg trauma who underwent surgery.
A 42-year-old parent of a patient is being treated.
A 7-year-old boy is being treated for a minor leg injury.
A 12-year-old with a femur fracture has been admitted.
A 2 year-old-boy with a head injury has been admitted to the Medical/Surgical ICU.
Three other patients in good condition were treated in the emergency department.

Crying abit now.

-- Eight of the 29 patients at Massachusetts General Hospital were in critical condition late Monday, trauma surgeon Peter Fagenholz said. The most serious wounds "have been combined, complex lower injuries that involve blood vessels, bone and tissue," and several had to have limbs amputated, he said.

Abit more now.