Boyd Coddington is a jerk.

  • Thread starter Mike Rotch

Mike Rotch

Aluminium Overcast
Staff Emeritus
Down under
Boyd Coddington is a jerk. I arrived as this conclusion after watching an episode of American Hotrod on Discovery on the weekend. I had thought he was a dedicated automobile fan, until he decided to build a t-bucket out of a mint condition 1927 Model T that was in concourse condition. And by concourse condition, I mean just that. Still in smooth running order, not a sign of rust anywhere on the chassis or body. Nothing. Even his own employees tried to convince him to find another example to work from. But no, he cut his one up, took the body to chop further and discarded the rest.

What a bonehead.
That really displeases me 👎.

I never liked the jerk in American Hotrod anyway.
he chopped a CONCOURS Tee??!?!

the man needs smacked upside the head! a CONCOURS!
Boyd's work has never impressed me, honest Chip Foose is much better at doing hot rods then Boyd is. I can see why Chip told Boyd to shove it and left to start his own company.
I agree. Chip is far more skilled at customizing cars than Boyd.
I've never liked Boyd as a person from watching the show, and never thought his work was that good, especially compared to Foose.
Boyds work is very dated and done in whatever style is "trendy", meaning, you could see one of the cars he's done and know what era he did it in, eg. one he did in the 80's that screamed "80's" by its neon pink, green and orange pin stripes, NASTY (yet he won an award for it back in the day?! go figure)
I can't stand watching that show. Coddington is incredibly incompotent with managing people. I think he fired a good four or five people before that "blue bear" kid was asked to leave. Some of them actually deserved it but less so then the bear. Mike, the cad guy with the locked jaw actually jumped ship over to Coddington also.

Edit: whoo not a double post but my post was doubled within itself.
Coddington sucks. His cars aren't very good and he's an ass to everyone who works for him. I agree with the others, Chip Foose is way beter at buildin hot rods.
Took you that long to realize that Floyd Tottington is a jerk? While I admire the talent he has in building cars, he and his lapdog Duane are both Jerks.

I read this somewhere on Avoid the Boyd, Skip the Chip, Annoy the Troy.

Plus, Boyd's model Car paint is utter crap. Ask Slicks about the fun time he had with "Roadstar Florida Orange".

The Model T was and is the Best Car mankind ever came up with. It got 20 mpg, and could tackle terrain some SUVs that get 12 mpg can't dream of attempting. The fact that he tore apart one of the very few remaining unmolested T's (even though there were at least 25 million made, they've had 80+ years to dwindle significantly) makes me sick.

Ah, yes. My 'chopped T model. Still haven't gotten around to a 3rd attempt at the paint.
I can't say I know exactly what went wrong in the first two. Orange peel caused by excessive humidity, Orange peel 'cuz I tried to put 2 coats on in too close of a time frame. Not exactly the paint's fault, but it sure is expensive (At something around 8 bucks a can, and 2 cans for a full, multi-layer paintjob, I've spent more on paint then the model itself). The color is beautiful, though.

Back on topic, I don't particularly like Boyd or his work, and really hate Duane. The show sucks too, with the "ever looming deadline"... Hey, idiots - Just start sooner!! Good to see that all the talented people (Mike and the other bodyman) have left for a more talented guy (Foose).
Good to see that all the talented people (Mike and the other bodyman) have left for a more talented guy (Foose).

Do you know if that one redhaired painter dude left? He seemed like the most reasonable one there.
Charley left long ago, and the best one there, Roy, died long ago as well. RIP Roy. :(

Slicks: 8 dollars per can?! I thought 4 was steep.. Dang.. The color is beautiful, but it seems to try to pool.
Well I am glad I am not the only one that think the Chip is:

a) a generally better guy (overhaulin = 👍 )
b) a more classic hotrodder.

I love watching Overhaulin (Chip's show) simply to see how he whips up an elegant design in a matter of mins. Also on his show the build team never fights, whereas on boyd's show it seems they fight and cuss more then they build.
Charley left long ago, and the best one there, Roy, died long ago as well. RIP Roy. :(

Slicks: 8 dollars per can?! I thought 4 was steep.. Dang.. The color is beautiful, but it seems to try to pool.

Roy is dead!!

It is a sad sad day. :guilty:
Boyd Coddington is indeed a Jerk. That poor Model T that got destroyed should have been in a museum, or in the hands of a dedicated, knowlegable collector. Not in the hands of a complete retard who is willing to cut up a piece of history.

Boyd Coddington, you officially suck.

Furthermore, that had to be an expensive car if it was in concourse condition, and it must have been in good hands; a car just doesn't happen to be in perfect condition after nearly 80 years. Who the hell was dumb enough to sell it to him if they knew he was just going to butcher it?
Hmm, I never knew Roy died, thats sad...I also agree with what ya'll have said. I find his work dated and he seems to not treat his workers well. Foose is by far superior.
Coddington sucks. His cars aren't very good and he's an ass to everyone who works for him. I agree with the others, Chip Foose is way beter at buildin hot rods.

chip foose isnt that good you need to see some of the cars done by troy trepanier(spelled wrong maybe) rad rods by troy its in IL