Brandon Jacobs (NYGIANTS player) in supercar caravan

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United States
South Florida
Apparently Brandon Jacobs, a NY Giants football player was in a group of highspeed supercar caravan which for some reason was escorted by the Highway Patrol. He is an apparent gearhead. He was in a his highly modifed GTR (which suprised me considering most high profile athletes drive Lambo's and Mercedes).

Some quotes:
"We probably do, like, 100 miles. Sometimes we'll end up on an airstrip and do some racing, but other than that, we always cool," Jacobs said of his involvement with the club, according to Rides. The GTR puts a grin so big on my face it goes ear to ear"

According to Rides, Jacobs said at the time he was upgrading the turbochargers on his Nissan GT-R, with the expectation it would put out more than 700 horsepower when the work was done.
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