Briatore Retiring

i just read that flavio plans to retire from team management at either the end of this season or the next, and all i gotta say is, THANK GOD!!! i highly dislike flavio, always complaining and b!tching when things arnt going right, and treats everyone sweetly when things are going well. Some say he carismatic, i would disagree. I think he is a spolt little rich boy who complains when things dont go his way

anyone agree? disagree? please share
He is no different than any other boss I have had in my life, the way you describe him, hahaha.

I don't mind Flavio. Sure he just screwed over my driver (Jarno Trulli) but still the guy is a fairly swift businessman. The teams he has been involved in have done better when he was there. I even enjoy his lod mouth ramblings time to time. Of most of the other team heads he at least has a personality. Frank and Ron seem permanently comatose. Jean is like a little happy french doll. David Richards though has Flavio's busniess slickness without the huge mouth, his is a mild sized one. Eddy Jordan, don't even get me started. Paul Stoddard, always looks like he would rather be flying a plane.

Flavio will be missed by me, he is one of the interesting points of the Renualt team.
I didn't think Briatore would be retiring just yet, does he still intend to act as a manager for some drivers? He still holds a few contracts I thought.

Jarno Trulli sealed his own fate by asking for more money than he probably deserved after his Monaco win, and then decided to show he deserved it by putting in a string of poor performances. I guess neither was willing to compromise and this is the end result. I don't Briatore screwed him over anymore than Trulli has screwed Briatore.
he still intends to be the managers for webber and alonso.

the reason why i created this is in response to an article i read earlier about flavio rating a press conference as 'disgusting' becasue they were talking about the demise of jaguar instead of china. sure, racing in china is a big thing. but this jaguar saga has just occured and its BIG NEWS, it involves not just one team, but three. but yet he called it disgusting, plus many number of other calls he has made.
he still intends to be the managers for webber and alonso.

the reason why i created this is in response to an article i read earlier about flavio rating a press conference as 'disgusting' becasue they were talking about the demise of jaguar instead of china. sure, racing in china is a big thing. but this jaguar saga has just occured and its BIG NEWS, it involves not just one team, but three. but yet he called it disgusting, plus many number of other calls he has made.

Ya, Flavio has always needed to try out the "think first then speak" ideal....but that is par tof his charm..haha.
I was never too sure of his credentials as a F1 team manager. Didn't he have something to do with the Benetton fashion company originally? I certainly don't think of him in the same way as Ron Dennis, Frank Williams and Ross Brawn for example.
The last I'd heard was he was dating Naomi Campbell!! (But maybe that's old news!)