Bring back the old top speed test!

  • Thread starter Seismica


United Kingdom
Please PD, bring back the old top speed test.

Here is an example of it:

Now in the newer games, you only get til the end of the second straight, which often isn't enough to get up to top speed, and usually relies upon your start and your gear changes to what speed you will achieve.

Now with a full lap + a bit of extra straight on the new version of test course, you will almost certainly be able to hit that top speed in every car.

Post your thoughts :)
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If PD were going to cause a serious change to the way the Top Speed test is handled, I'd rather they did it the way Enthusia did instead of taking place on the Test Course at all.
You can just free ride on the test course with as many laps as you want. Pretty much the same.
**** that. Turns ****ed everything up. Hopefully top speed runs can be done on the Top Gear Test Track, if not, another track with a long straight.

Or if there's a track editor, a straight as long as possible!
**** that. Turns ****ed everything up. Hopefully top speed runs can be done on the Top Gear Test Track, if not, another track with a long straight.

Or if there's a track editor, a straight as long as possible!

The current version of the Test Track has a much longer straight then the Top Gear track. I am not aware of another racing track with a long enough straight. Ehra-Lessien would be a great real world top speed track (5.5 mile long straight).
Oh, the nostalgia.

I need to get a new damn PS3 controller already.

EDIT: Found it. Didn't know that track was in GT, GT2 was the only soundtrack I paid any particular attention to. :odd:
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Maybe keep the turns but make the straight 5000m, i find coming out of the turns gives a whip effect which helps acceleration.
The current version of the Test Track has a much longer straight then the Top Gear track. I am not aware of another racing track with a long enough straight. Ehra-Lessien would be a great real world top speed track (5.5 mile long straight).

Yeah I'm not sure the straight on the Test Track, but I know the TGTT is 1.7 miles I think? And Ehra Lessien I WOULD FAINT if it were included. Hot damn, the long ass course as well as the little stuff.

What do you mean though as far as "current" ? GT4?
I havent played gt4 since gt5p, but as far as I can remember, u could do as many laps in reverse on the test track, and still have your top speed registered in your top 10 list, and besides, if the test track was on gt5p, u can also do as many laps as you want on TT mode, so surely it would be the same in gt5.
We did do alot highspeed running in GT4, and there is a dedicated thread about 300mph+ runs. The stated rules (wich are pretty advanced, here) made participants use the high speed test version, so no whole laps.
My point is, even within the constraints of the "top speed test", one can achive amazing speeds. The current record is 382.45 mph, set with a TommyKaira ZZII.
Rolling road anyone? OK, does not take into account wind resistance, but is about as standard as you are going to get for comparing the "top speed" and performance of various vehicular entities.
In GT4 Top Speed test you could always turn around and drive backwards if you wished, I do hope we get a even longer version in GT5, the bends scrub too much speed off. If track editor rumour comes true we may be able to construct one ourselves.

Rolling road anyone? OK, does not take into account wind resistance

Which is the most important factor
Which is the most important factor
It's only important if you want to measure the top speed of a car out on a track. A wind tunnel to measure drag, and a rolling road for top speed would give you accurate comparisons before testing out the theory.
How bout jus a massive bit of road. like a made up one from PD. or maybe real long stretch of highway like the Nullabor. maybe Bonneville salt flats?
Yeah I'm not sure the straight on the Test Track, but I know the TGTT is 1.7 miles I think? And Ehra Lessien I WOULD FAINT if it were included. Hot damn, the long ass course as well as the little stuff.

What do you mean though as far as "current" ? GT4?

Yes. GT3 & GT4 version.
It's only important if you want to measure the top speed of a car out on a track. A wind tunnel to measure drag, and a rolling road for top speed would give you accurate comparisons before testing out the theory.

You don't need a rolling road, you could calculate the speed through gearing (in reality), infact in this case GT gives you the max speeds of each gears in the tuning menus.
We did do alot highspeed running in GT4, and there is a dedicated thread about 300mph+ runs. The stated rules (wich are pretty advanced, here) made participants use the high speed test version, so no whole laps.
My point is, even within the constraints of the "top speed test", one can achive amazing speeds. The current record is 382.45 mph, set with a TommyKaira ZZII.

With Nitrous, yes. A lot of cars can't get to their true top speed, you have to tweak the gears so you can hit the maximum before you hit the finish point, but with the right setup cars can go further.

People suggest going out of the circuit at Seattle, or doing test course in a normal run instead of a speed run.

But neither of these records your top speed...

Ehra-Lessien or Bonneville would be good alternatives for a speed test, but if not, i want to see the full test course used, not just half of it.
Again, why does the Top Speed test have to take place on an actual track? Why couldn't it be an infinitely spanning straight road as in Enthusia?
Please PD, bring back the old top speed test.

Here is an example of it:

Now in the newer games, you only get til the end of the second straight, which often isn't enough to get up to top speed, and usually relies upon your start and your gear changes to what speed you will achieve.

Now with a full lap + a bit of extra straight on the new version of test course, you will almost certainly be able to hit that top speed in every car.

Post your thoughts :)
Link fixed...I hope. To add my two cents, I think the old speed test was better than the speed tests in GT3 and GT4. The GT2 speed test would give you more time than the GT3 and GT4 equivalent.
We need original Lingotto and everything will be just fine.





Oh, no, it will become another track whislisht thread.

I'm out of here.
Wasn't that in the Italian Job or some such movie? I recall something similar being in the Italian Job game, so I'm curious.
wow salt flats...yeah they would be good...

so what makes that surface really good for high speeds?...

1) They're flat

2) They're often several miles long

3) The surface gives less fricion than tarmac so top speeds are easier to attain.
ah yeah, thats what i was wondering...

so a salty surface gives less friction than tarmac?...i would have thought there be less grip, as the care might be wheel spinning on the salt...
It does, as I'm sure you've seen the Top Gear episode where they went to the Salt Flats. Far less traction than tarmac, and you start to float at high speeds. So it's not AS good as tarmac but it's great otherwise
Well fictional would be the easiest, but there are stretches of road across America where top speed tests have been done.

Not to mention the Ehra Lession ? Track for VW with the 5 mile long straight.

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